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The Announcement of the Redemption
by the
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson
Excerpts from Sifrei HaSichos 5750-5752
Concerning Moshiach and Redemption
[Free Translation into English]
English Rendition by:
Rabbi Yisroel Heschel Greenberg
Dovid Yisroel Ber Kaufmann, Ph.D
Published and Copyrighted by
Vaad L'Hafotzas Sichos
788 Eastern Parkway,
Brooklyn, NY, 11213. USA.
Tel. (718) 774-7200
Fax. (718) 774-7494
Printed in the U.S.A.
5759 * 1998
ISBN: 0-8266-5789-3
Table of Contents
Hageulo, reprinted for Parshat Chukat, 5782 (From Kuntres "Beis Rabeinu Shebbovel"):
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Format> (Hebrew)
NEW Besuras
Hageulo, reprinted for Parshat Chukat, 5782 (From Kuntres "Beis Rabeinu Shebbovel"):
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Format> (English)
- Chapter 1
All the signs of our Sages regarding the end of exile and the time of Redemption
have been fulfilled; this includes the sign in Yalkut Shimoni (Yeshayu
remez 499) that already "the time of your Redemption has arrived."
(Shabbos Parshas Re'eh, Blessing of the Month of Elul)
- Chapter 2
Fulfillment of the above mentioned sign in Yalkut Shimoni that "the
time of your Redemption has arrived."
(Wednesday, 22 Elul, Parshas Nitzavim-Vayalech)
- Chapter 3
Eliyahu HaNavi actually comes to Tiverya every day and announces the coming
of Moshiach.
(Wednesday, 7 Tishrei, Parshas Brocho)
- Chapter 4
The miracles of our time are similar to and a preparation for the miracles
of the future Redemption that is coming imminently; "the time of your Redemption
has arrived;" the connection of this with the current situation of "the nations
are in turmoil" and the claim that "you are robbers."
(Shabbos Bereishis (Isru Chag Shemini
Atzeres and Simchas Torah))
- Chapter 5
The Divine service of the third generation from the Rebbe Rashab, the generation
of Redemption, has already been completed, including "polishing the buttons;"
"the kingdoms provoking one another;" "the time of your Redemption has arrived;"
the announcement of king Moshiach that "Humble ones, the time of your Redemption
has arrived" comes from outside the land of Israel; the precision of the
wording in the Midrash that "he stands on the roof of the Beis HaMikdash."
(Shabbos Parshas Chayei Sarah, 22 Marcheshvan)
- Chapter 6
All ouf our activities and Divine service have been completed; the buttons
have already been polished and we stand ready to greet Moshiach.
(Maamar Va'y'hiyu Chayei Sarah)
- Chapter 7
Also in the final moment of exile Israel is at rest and peace because "the
time of your Redemption has arrived."
(Shabbos Parshas Vayeitze, 7 Kislev)
- Chapter 8
After one hundred ninety two years from the 19th of Kislev, 5559 the Divine
service of the time of exile has already been completed, the time of spreading
the wellsprings outward has been completed, and everything is already prepared
to greet Moshiach.
(Shabbos Parshas Vayeshev, 21 Kislev)
- Chapter 9
All the appointed times have passed and Teshuvah has already been done and
everything is completed; therefore [we are] immersed in "I anxiously await
him every day that he should come."
(Shabbos Parshas Mikeitz, Shabbos Chanukah)
- Chapter 10
Our generation is the last generatin of exile and the first generation of
Redemption; we stand in actual close proximity to Redemption; the practical
lesson - to increase activities that resemble the preparation to build the
third Beis HaMikdash; build houses in all three pillars of Torah, Tefillah
and Gemillus Chassadim [Torah, prayer and acts of lovingkindness].
(Shabbos Parshas Vayigash, 5 Teves)
- Chapter 11
"All the appointed times have passed" and Teshuvah has already been achieved;
the rabbinic ruling that our righteous Moshiach must come imminently, and
he will certainly come; particularly after the [evil] decrees and destructions;
"the time of your Redemption has arrived."
(Shabbos Parshas Veyechi (10th of Teves,
may it be transformed to rejoicing))
- Chapter 12
"All the appointed times have passed" and Teshuvah has already been achieved;
hearing from Moshe Rabbeinu that in our generation all matters of Divine
service have already been completed, including "polishing the buttons," and
[we] stand prepared to greet Moshiach; the [obligation] to encourage and
strengthen the spirit of the Jewish people through the announcement that
G-d says "I surely take account of you," and our righteous Moshiach "stands
behind the window" and "Behold he comes" and the [obligation] to properly
prepred to greet him through an increase in observance of Torah and mtizvos.
(Shabbos Parshas Shmos, 19 Teves)
- Chapter 13
G-d makes known and announces to Israel "My children, do not be afraid."
(Shabbos Parshas Va'era, 26 Teves,
Blessing of the Month of Shvat)
- Chapter 14
We find ourselves in actual close proximity to Redemption, "the time of your
Redemption has arrived, therefore stand prepared all of you to greet Moshiach,
particularly through an increase in matters of Torah and mitzvos; strengthening
the believe and trust and anticipation of Redemption.
(Shabbos Parshas Bo, 4 Shvat)
- Chapter 15
Even before the Redemption Israel dwells in security, because G-d says to
Israel "My children, do not fear, etc., the time of your Redemption has arrived."
(Shabbos Parshas Yisro, 18 Shvat)
- Chapter 16
The appointment of Moshiach already occurred, and all that remains is the
acceptance of his kingship by the people.
(Shabbos Parshas Mishpatim, Parshas Shekalim,
Blessing of the Month of Adar)
- Chapter 17
The open miracles of the Gulf War; the sign in Yalkut Shimoni; the Redemption
is coming momentarily.
(General Letter, 25 Adar)
- Chapter 18
"The time of your Redemption has arrived."
(Shabbos Parshas Tzva, Shabbos HaGadol, 8 Nissan)
- Chapter 19
A detailed explanation of the concept that "As in the days of your exodus
from the land of Egypt I will show you wonders" exists at this time; we already
stand beyond the "forty years" of exile in the wilderness of the nations,
and we stand already in "they will come to My rest" in the Holy Land and
Jerusalem in the true and final Redemption.
(Wednesday morning, Parshas Shimini, 26 Nissan)
- Chapter 20
It is the most extraordinary wonder how it is possible that our righteous
Moshiach still has not come in actual reality, something that cannot be
understood at all; if they cried "Until when" in truth, Moshiach would certainly
have come already; I have done my part - do all in your power - actions that
are in a way of lights of Tohu but in vessels of Tikun - to bring in reality
our righteous Moshiach immediately.
(Friday evening, erev Shabbos Kadosh, Parshas Shmini, 28 Nissan)
- Chapter 21
The wonders and miracles of this year are a preparation for the wonders and
miracles of the future Redemption; the ingathering of the Jewish people from
that country, without restrictions, is like the ingathering of the exile,
and this is one of the revelations beyond measure or limitation that comes
at the end of the time of exile; this generation - the ninth from the Baal
Shem Tov - is making an immediate preparation, without any interruption at
all, for the Redemption; the responsibility of each and every one to increase
his Divine service to bring Moshiach in actual reality, adding in his learning
of Torah and his fulfillment of mitzvos in a beautiful manner, as a means
of anticipating and strongly desiring the Redemption.
(Shabbos Parshas Shemini, Blessing of the
Month and the Eve of the Month of Iyar)
- Chapter 22
With the conclusion of the month of Nissan, 5751, "all the appointed times
have ended" in the true literal sense; Moshiach is found in the world in
the time and place of exile and anticipates revealing himself; "the house
of study of Rabbi Shila said Shilo is his name, etc." and we Chassidim answer
in response regarding our Rebbe and leader; All the matters of Divine service
required to be done during the time of exile have already been concluded
and perfected, Moshiach is ready to come imminently; a practical lesson -
in order to cause the revelation and coming of Moshiach, it is incumbent
upon each and every Jew to increase learning Torah in matters of Moshiach
and Redemption, and it would be better to learn in groups of ten; increase
observance of mitzvos in a beautiful manner, particularly in the mitzvah
of tzedekah; increasing tzedekah with the intention of hastening the Redemption.
(Shabbos Parshas Tazria-Metzora, 6 Iyar)
- Chapter 23
We are actually standing at the end of exile, soon, soon the Redemption will
come; the world and the nations prepare and assist the way to Redemption,
as explained in detail; to increase in "our actions and Divine service,"
specifically learning Torah in matters of Redemption.
(Acharei-Kedoshim, 13 Iyar)
- Chapter 24
Hastening the Redemption through specifically increasing Torah study,
particularly the inner teachings of Torah as revealed in Toras Chassidus;
the influence on others through the spreading of Torah and Judaism, the spreading
of the wellsprings.
(Shabbos Parsha Emor, 20 Iyar)
- Chapter 25
All matter of Divine service have already been completed, also "polishing
the buttons" has been been complted, and we stand ready to greet Moshiach;
this year the words of the Yalkut Shimoni, "the year that the king Moshiach
will be revealed all the nations of the world will provoke each other, etc.,
the time of your Redemption has arrived," have been fulfilled, therefore
we are already standing at the "hour when Moshiach comes ("Behold he comes")...
and announces to Israel, humble ones the time of your Redemption has arrived";
a renewal and increase in learning Torah with enthusiasm and delight,
particularly learning and spreading the wellsprings of the inner teachings
of Torah that are revealed in Toras Chassidus, as an example and preparation
to fulfillment of the promise "A new Torah will come forth from me."
(Shabbos Parsha Naso, 12 Sivan)
- Chapter 26
This generation, the last generation of exile, has been made the first generation
of Redemption raised above all previous generations; even "polishing the
buttons" has already been completed; "stand all of you ready" to greet Moshiach.
(Shabbos Parsha Beha'aloscha,19 Sivan)
- Chapter 27
The spreading of the wellsprings outward has already been in a manner of
"more than enough."
(Shabbos Parsha Shelach,
Blessing of the Month of Tammuz)
- Chapter 28
The third Beis HaMikdash will first be revealed in 770; "the time of your
Redemption has arrived."
(Monday, 28 Sivan)
- Chapter 29
The world is already prepared, nature and the nations assist in the Divine
service that hastens the Redemption.
(Thursday, Parshas Korach, 2nd Day of Rosh Chodesh
Tammuz, Shabbos Parsha Korach, 3 Tammuz)
- Chapter 30
"All the appointed times have passed," the Divine service of Teshuvah has
also been completed, and all matters of Divine service have already been
concluded, including "polishing the buttons"; it is absolutely certain without
the slightest trace of doubt that the time of Redemption has already arrived;
this year, "It should be a year of I will show them wonders," is "the year
the King Moshiach will be revealed," to the extent that "the hour when the
king Moshiach comes . . . he will announce to Israel, humble ones, the time
of your Redemption has arrived"; we stand already on the threshold of the
beginning of Redemption, and imminently it will continue and be completed;
we stand already at the commencement of the days of Moshiach; the future
Sanctuary is already built and perfected now in Heaven, and imminently "it
will be revealed and come from Heaven"; learn the laws of the Beis HaMikdash
[Holy Temple] with an awareness and recognition that it is absolutely certain
this learning will have practical legal applications in the next moment;
learn Torah concerning Redemption and Moshiach; "To live with the times,"
the days of Moshiach, "to live" in matters of Moshiach and Redemption; the
Divine service that is particularly appropriate for this time.
(Shabbos Parshas Balak, 17
(which is the numeric value of good) Tammuz)
- Chapter 31
Everything is already completed, including "polishing the buttons," and the
"stand all of you ready" is also completed, "all is ready for the festive
meal," we are already in a situation of Redemption, "behold he (Moshiach)
comes" in imminent reality; each and every indvidual must accustom himself
to the Redemption and to put himself in the position and attitude of Redemption,
through the Divine service of "make here the land of Israel" - perfection
of Divine service in thought, speech and action.
(Shabbos Parshas Pinchas, 24 Tammuz, Blessing of the Month of Menachem-Av)
- Chapter 32
We stand now after the completion of our actions and Divine service during
the time of exile, after completion of all forty-two journeys in the "wilderness
of nations," and find ourselves already "on the banks of the Jordan by Jericho,"
on the threshold of Redemption; the reason for exile has already been corrected;
Ahavas Yisroel as an appetizer until the beginning of the true and complete
(Shabbos Parshas Mattos-Masei, 2 Menachem-Av)
- Chapter 33
That Moshiach has not yet come is completely incomprehensible; all matters
have been completed and the Beis HaMikdash stands ready above, as are all
things - "all is prepared for the festive meal"; the only thing he waits
for is that a Jew should cry out again "until when"; our righteous Moshiach
enters the synagogue and takes every Jew there along with all of Israel to
our Holy Land.
(Shabbos Parshas Devarim, 9 Av, 10 Av, 11 Av)
- Chapter 34
We find ourselves in "the year in which the king Moshiach is revealed"; the
wonders already seen in this year of "It will be year in which I will show
them wonders" stresses and emphasizes that imminently will be seen the greatest
wonder of all - the true and complete Redemption; we are found on the threshold
of Redemption; increase in Torah and mitzvos in a manner that transcends
limitations and obstructions as a taste of the unlimit Redemption; learn
Torah in matters of Redemption, and it would be best that the learning be
in a manner of "ten who sit and occupy themselves with Torah"; a thorough
study and contemplation of matters of Redemption and the Beis HaMikdash makes
comple all three aspects of Torah, Divine service [prayer] and acts of loving
kindness, so that they should be unlimited.
(Shabbos Parshas Vaeschanan,
Shabbos Nachamu, 16 Menachem-Av)
- Chapter 35
All aspects of "our actions and Divine service" have already been completed,
including "polishing the buttons," "behold he (Moshiach) comes"; this year
is the "year in which the king Moshiach is revealed"; the only thing remaining
is one movement of G-d to take the Jewish people from exile and bring them
to the Holy Land; the merit and responsibility to plead and cry to G-d "until
when," how is it possible that Moshiach has not yet come.
(Shabbos Parshas Eikev, 23 Menachem-Av, Blessing of the Month of Elul)
- Chapter 36
All matters of Divine service have already been completed; it is absolutely
certain that imminently in fact eyes of flesh will see that "behold he (the
king Moshiach) comes"; to be penetrated with the spirit of Redemption, learn
Torah on the subjects of Redemption and the Beis HaMikdash; to announce and
publicize everywhere that G-d says to each and every individual Jew "See
I set before you this day a blessing" until the day when the blessing of
Redemption is seen in reality; the announcement and publicity must also be
to those who claim that the subject hasn't sufficiently settled in their
thoughts yet.
(Shabbas Parshas Re'eh, First Day of Rosh Chodesh Elul)
- Chapter 37
All matters of Divine service have already been completed, including as well
"polishing the buttons," and even "Stand all of you ready" to greet Moshiach;
the "spreading of the wellsprings outward" has been perfected in all corners
of the world; "the generation is kosher" in the literal sense; everything
is already purified; [we] stand in the last moments before the Redemption;
the fulfillment of the promise "I will return your judges as beforetimes
and counselors as at the beginning" has already begun; revelation of the
prophecy of Moshiach [occurs] before the Redemption as a foretaste and beginning
to the complete revelation after the Redemption; it is seen in reality: there
is need to publicize to all members of the generation that we have merited
that G-d should freely chose an individual to be the prophet of the generation,
who will give lessons and advice, etc., until the fundamental prophecy -
the (assured) prophecy that "immediate Redemption," behold Moshiach comes
imminently, in a moment comes the Redemption; all matters of the Redemption
have already begun and been drawn into and received by this physical world;
acceptance and maintenance of the instruction of "your judges" and "your
advisors" of our generation, particularly the leader of the generation.
(Shabbos Parshas Shoftim, 7 Elul)
- Chapter 38
"The time of your Redemption has arrived"; the period of the Divine service
of "solders of the House of David" to bring about the revelation and coming
of Moshiach has already concluded, and now [we] stand in a period of payment
of the reward for all our actions and Divine service "a dwelling of the Divine
Presence on the work of our hands"; a practical lesson: to publicize everywhere
that we stand at the conclusion and culmination of our actions and Divine
service and at the beginning of the period of payment of the reward, "giving
reward to the tzaddikim"; appropriate to this there is a need for the Divine
service to also be in matters connected with the days of Moshiach; learning
Torah in matters related to Moshiach, Redemption and the Beis HaMikdash,
in rest, tranquility, joy and gladness of heart; arrange gatherings of joy,
a sample of and preparation for fulfillment of the promise "they our mouths
will be filled with laughter"; in our generation the concept "our mouths
will be filled with laughter" is made in the present tense.
(Shabbos Parshas Teitzei, 14 Elul)
- Chapter 39
The Redemption - the most essential matter of the time; there needs to be
a singular request in a loud voice "until when"... the Redemption should
come already in actual reality.
(Shabbos Parshas Tavo, 21 Elul)
- Chapter 40
"All the appointed times have passed" and Teshuvah has already been done,
and we stand "all of you prepared" for a long time already.
(Blessing of the Rebbe, Shlita, eve of Rosh
Hashanah after the annulment of vows)
- Chapter 41
It has already been published in many, many newspapers throughout the world
that "Behold he (the king Moshiach) is coming," and imminently - he will
already have come in actual reality, and there is need to publicize this
even further.
(Shabbos Parshas Nitzavim, 5751, 2nd Day of Rosh Hashanah,
and Shabbos Parshas VaYelech 6 Tishrei 5752)
- Chapter 42
[We] stand on the threshold of the Redemption, "Behold he (Moshiach) is coming,"
and imminently - he will already have come; "all is prepared for the festive
meal," the festive meal of Livyason, Shor Habor and Yayin HaMeshubar; at
this time, immediately preceding the Redemption, our Divine service and conduct
in all matters of our daily lives must be similar to and an example of how
it will be in the days of Moshiach - a Divine service that is penetrated
with matters of the Redemption and Moshiach; learn matters relevant to Redemption
and Moshiach; children in the House of Study are called "My anointed ones,"
a point particularly emphasized in our generation - [through] the children
of Tzivos HaShem.
(Evening of Simchas Torah)
- Chapter 43
The revelation and annoucement in the world and to the nations, that the
prominence of Israel will be strengthened particularly in recent times as
we draw ever closer to Redemption.
(Shabbos Parshas Bereishis, Blessing of the Month of MarCheshvan)
- Chapter 44
All matters of Divine service have already been concluded, including "polishing
the buttons," and we stand ready to greet Moshiach; the Divine service in
general of the Jewish people throughout the generations, which needed to
be in the time of exile in order to bring the Redemption to perfection -
has been completed and concluded, and there is no reason or explanation at
all why the Redemption is delayed; all the appointed times have passed and
Teshuvah has already been done, and now the matter depends on nothing but
our righteous Moshiach himself; in immediate reality the Redemption is coming;
incrase in care and beautification of Kiddush Levanah, with the particular
intent to hasten and cause the coming of Moshiach immediately; increase in
asking and requesting the Redemption.
(Shabbos Parshas Noach, 4 MarCheshvan)
- Chapter 45
The rabbis need to publicize the decree that "all the appointed times have
passed," and in regard to Teshuvah, Teshuvah has already been done, and all
matters of Divine service have already been completed, and it depends on
nothing but Moshiach himself; all that is needed is for Moshiach to come
in actual reality; the Redemption stands already on the threshold, and anxiously
waits for each and every Jew to open the door and pull the Redemption inside.
(At the time of greeting HaRav HaGaon Mordechai Eliyhau,
Monday night, Parshas Lech Lecha, 6 MarCheshvan)
- Chapter 46
"All the appointed times have ended," Teshuvah has already been done, and
"the buttons have been polished" already; The current requirement is to actually
prepare ourselves to "go forth from your land, etc. to the land I will show
you"; increase in the learning of Torah, particularly the inner teachings
of the Torah, including matters of Redemption and Moshiach.
(Shabbos Parshas Lech Lecha, 11 MarCheshvan)
- Chapter 47
All the Divine service has already been completed and concluded, and [we]
stand ready to greet Moshiach; The Divine service of the "soldiers of the
House of David," in which they fight the wars of the House of David and are
victorious over "those who revile the footsteps of Your Moshiach," has been
finished and perfected; all hindrances and opposition have been nullified;
there is already the revelation of Moshiach, and now there is only a need
to greet him in actual reality; all matters and activities must be penetrated
with the subject of Redemption and Moshiach.
(Shabbos Parshas Vayeira, 18 Marcheshvan)
- Chapter 48
"All appointed times have passed," Teshuvah has already been done, all matters
of Divine service have been concluded, including "polishing the buttons,"
and [we] stand prepared to greet Moshiach; "the time of your Redemption has
arrived"; That "they will fight the wars of G-d" and be victorious has already
been fulfilled in many, many subjects; the shlichus of spreading the Torah
and Judaism and the wellsprings [of Chassidus] outwards has already been
accomplished; the single point currently remaining in shlichus is: to greet
our righteous Moshiach in actual reality in order that he should be able
to really fulfill his shlichus of redeeming Israel; to prepare one's self
and all Jews in his community and city to greet Moshiach by explaining the
concept of Moshiach in a way that it will be received by each and every one
according to his intellect and understanding, and particularly through learning
the concepts of Moshiach and Redemption; All details in shlichus of spreading
the Torah and Judaism and the wellsprings [of Chassidus] outward must be
permeated with the point of greeting Moshiach; this Divine service applies
to everyone without exception; learn all of Sefer Torah Or and Likkutei Toah.
(Shabbos Parshas Chayei Sarah, 25 Marcheshvan,
Blessing of the month of Kislev)
- Chapter 49
All matters have already been completed and [we] need only to greet Moshiach
in actual reality; "all the days of your life to bring the days of Moshiach"
- the subject of a peson's Divine service; the main innovation of the coming
of Moshiach is the revelation of his existence (existence coming before kingship)
as the king Moshiach, and after the revelation of his existence begins the
revelation to everyone through his activities; the content of the announcement
"May my master King David live forever" is the revelation of the existence
of the king Moshiach," and through this and after it comes his revelation
to everyone through his activities, etc.
(Thursday night, Parshas Toldos, 1st day of Rosh Chodesh Kislev,
and Shabbos Parshas Toldos, 2 Kislev)
- Chapter 50
The times require - Redemption; all requirements have already been completed
and all that remains is to greet Moshiach in reality; we are already on the
threshold of Redemption; the physical body and the physical world have already
been purified and completely refined, and they are vessels prepared for all
the light and spiritual matters, including and principally the light of Moshiach;
the only think lacking is to open the eyes as they should be and see how
everything is already prepared for the Redemption; there is already a "set
table" with the Levyasan, Shor HaBor and Yayin Meshumar, and we are sitting
already by the "table of our Father" together with our righteous Moshiach;
Learn the inner teachings of the Torah as revealed in Toras Chassidus, and
fulfill the teachings of our Rebbeim, including the custom of the Jewish
people of our time - learning matters of Redemption and Moshiach.
(Shabbos Parshas Vayeitze, 9 Kislev)
- Chapter 51
All matters of Divine service have been concluded, even "polishing the buttons"
and all is ready for the coming of Moshiach; the Divine service of purification
has already been completed; Moshiach is delayed for a reason that is unknown
and incomprehensible; Tzarfas is in gematria 770, which hints that the
purification of the country of Tzarfas completes and perfects the purification
of the world, in every last detail; there is only the need to open the eyes
and to see existence as it really is - that we are sitting together with
G-d at a "set table," the wedding feast, the festive meal of Levyasan, Shor
HaBor and Yayin Meshumar.
(Shabbos Parshas Vayishlach, 16 Kislev)
- Chapter 52
The liberation from all things that hinder or obstruct the coming of Moshiach
has already been completed; we find ourselves in the 90th year, connected
with the third Redemption and the third Beis HaMikdash; all appointed times
have passed and all matters and preparations have been concluded, even the
buttons, etc.; these days are - the days of Moshiach; there is only the need
to open the eyes and then we will see that the Redemption is already here
in the literal sense, and all the Jewish people are prepared in every last
detail "to approach and be seated at the table."
(From the talk of the end of 19 - beginning of
20 Kislev 5752 - in a group private audience)
- Chapter 53
All aspects of the Divine service have already been concluded and we stand
ready for the Redemption; all the refinements have been concluded and we
are already near the Redemption; to be involved with "publicizing the miracle"
- to publicize the miracles that G-d does for us in our times, and this is
relevant to bringing the Redemption.
(Shabbos Parshas Vayeshev, 23 Kislev,
Blessing of the Month of Teves)
- Chapter 54
We will physically see the Redemption; to increase in the mitzvah of tzedekah.
(From the talk of the First Light of Chanukah 5752 -
during the world-wide "publicizing the miracle")
- Chapter 55
All matters have already been completed and the only requirement is to open
the eyes and see that "Behold the king Moshiach comes"; to increase daily
in things that actually bring the Redemption, among them: strengthening the
belief, desire and anticipation for the coming of Moshiach; increase in learned
and disseminating the inner teachings of the Torah.
(Shabbos Parshas Mikeitz, Shabbos
Chanukah, 1st day of Rosh Chodesh Teves)
- Chapter 56
All the preparations for Redemption have already been concluded and now there
is only a need to bring the Redemption into reality, visible to fleshly eyes;
the whole world demands that the Redemption should come already; we stand
immediately prior the Redemption; Moshiach who will really come imminently
will come through the assistance and provisions of the Yosef of our generation.
(Shabbos Parshas Vayigash, 7 Teves)
- Chapter 57
All of our actions and Divine service have already been completed; "all the
appointed times have passed" and Teshuvah has already been done, all the
preparations have been concluded, in a way of "great preparations," and all
is prepared for the festive meal of the future.
(Monday night and Tuesday, Parshas Veyechi,
10th of Teves, and Shabbos Parshas Vayechi, 14 Teves)
- Chapter 58
"All the appointed times have passed," Teshuvah has already been done and
everything is already concluded, including, "polishing the buttons," and
all that is needed is for G-d to open the eyes of Israel so they can see
that the Redemption already exists, and they are sitting next to the set
table for the meal of Levyasan and Shor HaBor, etc.; from "the days of your
lives" at this time and place we will enter immediately into the life of
the days of Moshiach and eternal life without any interruption at all, G-
d forbid; to prepare one's self and others for the situation of the days
of Moshiach; learn the laws of the king Moshiach; may it be G-d's Will that
since there already exists "a king from the house of David expert in the
Torah and involved with mitzvos like David his ancestor . . . and he is
compelling all Israel to walk in its way and to strengthen its breaches and
he is fighting the wars of G-d," and "he is presumed to be Moshiach," that
he will immediately become "certainly Moshiach."
(Shabbos Parshas Shmos, 21 Teves)
- Chapter 59
The Redemption [will be] through the Moshiach of our generation; everything
is already prepared for the meal of the future, the set table with the festive
meal of Levyasan, Shor HaBor and Yayin HaMeshumar; three periods connected
with Yud Shvat.
(Shabbos Parshas Vaeira, 28 Teves,
Blessing of the Month of Shvat (a))
- Chapter 60
The Divine service of Shlichus to purify and refine secular matters has already
been finished and completed, and all is prepared for the festive meal of
the future.
(Shabbos Parshas Vaeira, 28 Teves,
Blessing of the Month of Shvat (b))
- Chapter 61
The innovation of our generation over all previous generations; we stand
"all of you ready" for the Redemption, and also the nations of the world
stand "all of you ready"; souls in bodies without any interruption at all
will come [immediately] after the Redemption; "all the appointed times have
passed" and everything is already concluded, the Redemption should have come
long ago alrady; the Redemption needs to come immediately; this is the best
time for the Redemption; the spiritual eyes of the Jewish people already
see the Redemption, and there needs to be an opening of the physical eyes
so that they too will see the Redemption revealed to eyes of flesh at this
time; learning the Torah of the Previous Rebbe.
(Wednesday, Parshas Bo, 3 Shvat, and
Shabbos Parshas Bo, 6 Shvat)
- Chapter 62
All aspects of the Divine service have already been completed and we stand
ready to greet Moshiach; the righteous Jewish women [should] begin immediately
in these last moments of exile with singing over the coming of the Redemption;
together with the prayer, request and demand that G-d should bring the Redemption
imminently they should be penetrated (in principle) with a feeling of great
joy because of the great assurance that "behold the king Moshiach is coming"
and he has already come.
(Shabbos Parshas Bo, 6 Shvat, and
Shabbos Parshas Beshallach, 13 Shvat)
- Chapter 63
"All the appointed times have passed" already and all matters of Divine service
have been completed; all the elevations through our actions and Divine service
during the 42 years which are a model of the 42 stages [traveled] in the
wilderness of the nations during this generation; imminently we will make
the entry into the land of Israel in the complete and true Redemption; the
way of singing that has to be in the prayer service now after all the elevations
have been completed, [must be] as a preparation and beginning for the "new
song" of the future; [in order to] increase the feeling of desire and longing
for the Redemption, there must now be as well and principally the feeling
of joy, for through this the Redemption will come in actual reality at this
very moment.
(Thursday, 11 Shvat, and Shabbos
Parshas Beshallach, 13 Shvat)
- Chapter 64
Everything is already concluded and now there only needs to be the Redemption
in actuality; we stand imminently close to the Redemption; Moshiach - his
name is Menachem.
(Shabbos Parshas Yisro, 20 Shvat)
- Chapter 65
The innovation and wondrous advantage of our generation, the last generation
of exile and the first generation of Redemption; everything is already concluded,
we already stand after the conclusion of the Divine service of purification,
including polishing the buttons, and now all that is needed is to greet Moshiach
in reality; after the 22nd of Shvat, 5748, there has occurred the last stage
in preparing the world for Redemption; our times - the last moments before
the Redemption; the great merit of the wives and daughters of Israel to bring
the Redemption.
(Shabbos Parshas Yisro, 20 Shvat, and Sunday
night and Monday, Parshas Mishpatim, 22 Shvat)
- Chapter 66
Our work and Divine service during the time of exile has already been completed,
and we are already prepared to greet Moshiach; we find ourselves in the "highest
time" of the coming of our righteous Moshiach, "Behold he (the king Moshiach)
comes"; the beginning of the effect of the king Moshiach on the nations can
already be seen; the fulfillment of the promise that they will beat their
swords to ploughshares has already begun, and the whole world is worthy and
prepared - an explanation of the particular details; all the Divine service
of this generation over forty-two years has been concluded and finished,
and we are already prepared and ready to enter the land in the true and complete
Redemption; the time of your Redemption has arrived; the great need to increase
in matters that will bring the Redemption in imminent reality: the details
of the laws concerning acting towards others with peace, tzedekah and acts
of lovkingkindness, joining in building and expanding Houses of Worship and
Houses of Study, building the individual Sanctuary within each and every
Jew that is in his innermost heart, his house and his private chamber; the
leader of the generation is our righteous Moshiach; Moshiach - Menachem is
his name; MiYaD Mamosh [literally: immediately, really, but also an acronym
indicative of the Rebbe's status as Moshiach - translator].
(Shabbos Parshas Mishpatim, 27 Shvat,
Blessing of the Month of Adar 1)
- Chapter 67
Everything is already concluded and all that is needed is to greet Moshiach
in reality; each and every Jew should joing together through his or her give
in builing the third Beis HaMikdash.
(Wednesday, Thursday, Friday nights
and Shabbos Parshas Terumah)
- Chapter 68
To cry to G-d about the length of exile "until when"... to seek and to search
and to do all that is possible so that the Redemption should come immediately.
(Tuesday, Friday and Shabbos,
Parshas Titzaveh, 7, 10, 11 Adar 1)
- Chapter 69
Even the last purifications have already been completed; now there is the
need to bring the Redemption in actual reality.
(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and
Shabbos, Parshas Ki Tisa, 14-18, Adar 1)
- Chapter 70
The precision of the Rambam's language "and build the Temple in its place";
explanation of the words of the Midrash "in the hour when the king Moshiach
comes, he will stand on the roof of the Holy Temple, etc."; the great advantage
of "the house of our Rebbe that is in Bavel"; the great merit to join in
building "the house of our Rebbe that is in Bavel" as a preparation for the
descent and revelation of the future Temple immediately; "The house of Moshiach"
in gematria is "You will spread out" 770.
(Pamphlet on the concept of the miniature Sanctuary)
- Chapter 71
The Redemption - what the times require; all matters have already been concluded
and there is only the need to greet Moshiach in actual reality; this matter
will be further expedited through learning the Torah, etc.
(Pamphlet on dividing the Talmud [for
yearly study] on the 19th of Kislev) |