The Announcement of the Redemption:
Chapter 53
It has been said many time of late, especially in the last few months, that
according to all the signs our generation is the last generation of exile
and the first generation of Redemption. Since all aspects of Divine service
have already been completed, we stand now ready for the true and complete
Redemption through our righteous Moshiach, as an imminent and immediate reality.
…According to what was said above (and has been stated many times), that
according to all the signs all necessary spiritual refinements have been
accomplished, it's obvious why we are now ready for the Redemption.
* * *
Further, and this is essential: Recognition, acknowledgment and praising
G-d for the miracles He performs, in addition to the concept of expressing
gratitude, is relevant to the coming of our righteous Moshiach in the
true and complete Redemption. For as the Gemara states:[1]
G-d desired to make Chizkiyahu Moshiach... the attribute of Divine Justice
said to G-d... Chizkiyahu for whom you did all these miracles (who was saved
from Sancheriv and healed of his illness[2]) and didn't sing praises
to You, You want to make him Moshiach?"
Obviously, in our context, publicizing the miracles which G-d has done in
our times is relevant to bringing the true and complete Redemption in actual
From this we can derive an essential lesson:
Since we are already after all the requirements and the Redemption still
has not yet come - it is most appropriate to be involved with "publicizing
the miracle," to publicize to one's self and to others, and indeed everywhere,
the miracles which G-d does for us, knowing this is connected with the true
and complete Redemption!
(From the talk of Shabbos Parshas Vayeishev, 23 Kislev,
Blessing of the Month Teves 5752)
1. Sanhedrin 94:a.
2. Rashi's commentary there.