The Announcement of the Redemption:

Chapter 52

The unique advantage of the 19th of Kislev of this year is that it occurs after the completion of the eighty-ninth year, in Gematria "Redeem."[1] The Redemption from every thing that obstructed and hindered the coming of Dovid the King Moshiach, "who reviled the footsteps of your Moshiach," (as Psalm Redeem-89 [PaDaH--Pey-Tes] concludes) has been completed. We find ourselves already in the ninetieth [Tzaddik] year, connected with the third Redemption and the third Temple.

…In these times - the days of Moshiach - in which we now find ourselves,[2] we only need "to open the eyes." Then we will see that the true and complete Redemption already exists, in the simple sense. All the Jewish people, "with our youth and our aged, etc., with our sons and our daughters,"[3] are prepared, in every single, last detail, "to approach and sit at the table," the table prepared with every delicacy and delight, beginning with those of the Redemption, Livyosan, Shor HaBor[4] and Yayin Meshumar.[5] Also, [the Jewish people are ready for] the most important thing, "to know G-d,"[6] "the world will be filled with knowledge of the L-rd as the waters cover the ocean bed."[7]

(From the talk of the end of 19 - beginning of 20 Kislev 5752 -
in a group private audience)


1. [This address was given in the Rebbe's 90th year. The Hebrew letters for "89" are "Pey, Tes." The Hebrew word for "Redeem" is spelled "Pey, Daled, Hey." The letter "Tes" has the numerical equivalent of 9; the letter "Daled" has the value of 5 and the letter "Hey" the value of 4. Thus, the word "PaDaH" (Redeem) is numerically equivalent to and therefore connected with the number Pey-Tes (89). Translator's note.]

2. As mentioned many times by the leader of our generation, my sainted father-in-law , that already much earlier all the appointed times have passed, and all aspects and preparations have been completed, including the buttons, etc.

3. Bo 10:9.

4. See Bava Basra 75:a. Vayikra Rabba chapter 13:3, and in other places.

5. Brochos 34:2. And in other places.

6. Rambam at the conclusion of his work the Mishneh Torah.

7. Yeshayahu 11:9.

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