The Announcement of the Redemption:

Chapter 4

In our times, miracles and wonders are happening throughout the world. These include "great wonders,"[1] beyond those miracles discernable to G-d "Who alone performs great wonders," but where "the beneficiary does not recognize the miracle."[2] Rather, the miracles we experience now include wonders obvious and revealed to all; they are thus representative of, analogous to and a prelude for the miracles and wonders of the future Redemption, which shall arrive imminently. About this imminent Redemption, it is said:[3] "As in the days of your departure from Egypt, I will show him wonders."

To illustrate:

a) Several major and powerful regimes are undergoing progressive, positive developments and changing for the better - in the spheres of goodness, righteousness and justice.[4] These transformations are representative of, analogous to and a prelude for the correction and perfection of the world in the days of Moshiach.[5] Further, by affecting the Jewish people, granting them freedom in all matters associated with Judaism, Torah and Mitzvot, even permitting the exodus of hundreds of thousands of Jews to freedom [from the former Soviet Union, etc.], these changes are also representative of, analogous to and a prelude for the ingathering of the exiles[6] which will transpire in the days of Moshiach.

b) The events which occurred in the Persian Gulf - are among the signs of the Redemption, based on the saying of our sages that when "nations provoke one another..."[7] it portends the coming of Moshiach. More specifically, our sages in the Midrash present the following scenario as an indication of the arrival of the Era of Redemption: "The king of Persia (obviously referring to the entire geographic area comprising Iraq) will provoke the Arabian king... and all the nations of the world will be in turmoil and terror... and (G-d) says to them (Israel)... "Do not fear, the time for your Redemption has arrived."[8] The Midrash continues and concludes: "When the King Moshiach comes, he will stand on the roof of the Beis HaMikdash [Holy Temple] and proclaim to Israel: "Humble ones, the time for your Redemption has arrived."

Ironically, in recent days the (seventy) nations of the world gathered, in a way reminiscent of "The nations are in an uproar and the peoples mutter,"[9] in order to accuse Israel: "You are thieves for having conquered the land of Israel," They refer not just to Gaza or Samaria, but also (and primarily) to Judea which includes Jerusalem, the capital of the Land of Israel, "The city where David encamped."[10] This accusation comes at a time when everyone knows the refutation, as clearly enunciated by Rashi at the very beginning of his commentary to the Torah: "All of the earth is G-d's, He is the one who created it and gave it to whomever was just in His eyes... He gave it to us."

(And, incredibly, this cacophony of nations accusing Israel includes even those who have traditionally endeavored to further the cause of righteousness and justice in the world, as seen by their reaction to the events of the Persian Gulf; there, they based their behavior on righteousness and justice, (that is, to prevent a state of theft of one individual from another, of country from country, etc.). However, in this matter, they too have conducted themselves improperly towards the Children of Israel.)

One might suggest the following explanation for this paradoxical phenomenon (that such an undesirable situation occurred in this era of open miracles):

As mentioned earlier [in the full text of the Sicha], in the Divinely ordained system for this world, concealment and darkness precede the revelation of light. Thus, we should not be dismayed by the "Nations raising an uproar and the peoples muttering," since it is - as the verse concludes - "In vain." As the Midrash comments: "All of their uproar is... in vain,"[11] because "the One who dwells in Heaven will laugh, G-d will mock them."[12] Therefore, the Jewish people stand firm in all matters relating to the integrity of the Land of Israel (particularly Jerusalem), knowing that "All of the earth is G-d's, He created it... and gave it to us."

Moreover, the phenomenon of "the nation raising an uproar and the peoples muttering" is, in and of itself, one of the signs of Redemption, as Rashi observes that: "Our sages interpreted the entire verse of the "nations raising an uproar..." as a reference to the King Moshiach."

(From the talk of Shabbos Bereishis (Isru Chag of
Shmini Atzeres and Simchas Torah) 5751)


1. Tehillim, 136:4.

2. Niddah, 31a.

3. Micha, 7:15.

4. See also Sefer HaSichos 5750, vol. I, p. 152 ff.

5. See Rambam, Hilchos Melachim, end of ch. 11: "And he will perfect the world."

6. In the spirit of "those who savor it will merit eternal life." See Likkutei Sichos, vol. XX, p. 173. See there for cross references.

7. Bereishit Rabbah, 42:4. Midrash Lekach Tov, Lech Lecha, 14:1.

8. Yalkut Shimoni, Yeshayahu, remez 499.

9. Tehillim, 2:1.

10. Yeshayahu, 29:1.

11. Midrash Tehillim and Yalkut Shimoni loc cit.

12. Ibid 4.

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