The Announcement of the Redemption:

Chapter 10

"And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt"[1] alludes to the time of exile. Even then, a Jew can be the master of the world, "the lord of the land."[2] We thus receive governmental assistance in the manner depicted in the Torah: "The best of the land of Egypt is yours."[3] Among the explanations why this paradoxical phenomenon is most pronounced in this generation, one can offer the following:

Since our generation is the last generation of exile and the first of Redemption, preparing for the transformation of the exile into Redemption is emphasized through a "taste" of what is to come, now in the days of exile. Thus, as we stand at the very end of exile, we can experience the state of "And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt." The closer we get to the transformation of the exile - with the advent of the true and complete Redemption - this condition increasingly intensifies.

...This is particularly true in the "Year of Miracles" (5750) and the Year of "I Will Show Him Wonders" (5751). And, indeed, we have vividly beheld miracles and wonders in the most recent period. This includes - and relates specifically - to the change in attitude of a "super power," the former Soviet Union,[4] inducing it to aid and facilitate the emergence of the Jewish people from distress to freedom, so that even in the Land of Egypt (in the last moments of exile) they should experience the state of "And Jacob lived."

And all this is happening because we are now situated, literally, so close to the true and complete redemption, through our righteous Redeemer. In the words of David, the Anointed King, "The sweetener of the songs of Israel," in Psalm 89: "I have made a covenant with My chosen one, I have sworn to My servant David,[5] I have anointed him with My holy oil,"[6] through the conclusion of the Psalm, "Blessed is G-d forever, Amen v'Amen." [And as commentators explains the reason for King David's gratitude:] "He saw... the coming of Moshiach, he therefore gave thanks to Hashem."[7]

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One of the essential components of the future true and complete Redemption is the building of the Third Beis HaMikdash (the Third Temple which will supersede the Mishkan [Tabernacle], as well as the first and second Temples), the "Sanctuary8 of G-d, the workings of Your hands." One should thus intensify those "actions and deeds" which are analogous to and a preparation for the building of the Holy Temple, by building new homes (or, by adding on to and strengthening existing) - homes for all three modes of Divine service: Torah, Tefillah (prayer) and acts of loving kindness.

(From the talks of Shabbos Parshas VaYigash, 5 Teves, 5751)


1. VaYechi, 47:28.

2. Miketz, 42:30,33.

3. VaYigash, 45:20.

4. ["That country" in the original. Translator's note.]

5. Verse 4.

6. Verse 21.

7. Even Ezra, loc. cit.

8. Beshalach, 15:17.

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