Chapter 65

Our generation is the last generation of exile and the first generation of the Redemption. As my sainted father-in-law, the one whose yahrtzeit we commemorate, announced and publicized many times, all requirements have already been completed and all that is necessary is to actually greet our righteous Moshiach. Obviously then, if in the meantime there was a physical removal, as was the case on the twenty-second of Shvat four years ago (5748)1, this is surely only to bring the only elevation that still remains - the elevation of the true and immediate Redemption.

…The amazing innovation and advantage of this generation - the last generation of exile and the first generation of Redemption - has been mentioned frequently, that it completes and concludes "our work and our Divine service"2 of the Jews of all previous generations. It completes the last purification of exile, as expressed by my sainted father-in-law,3 "polishing the buttons." Our Divine service consists of bringing the Redemption into reality, for this generation and for all generations preceding it! This means, that this generation concludes the work and Divine service of all preceding generations of Jews.

…The generation of the leader of our generation itself comprises several stages and periods. In general, there are three stages:) the tenth day of the eleventh month (10th of Shvat, 5710), the conclusion of the period of my sainted father-in-law's Divine service during his life in this world; 2) the day after - the eleventh day of the eleventh month (the first complete day after his passing), particularly commencing with the eleventh year (5711)4, when the progression and innovation of a new period began, and "the lights were hung" of the seventh generation from the Alter Rebbe (or the ninth generation from the Baal Shem Tov); 3) the period after the passing of the daughter of my sainted father-in-law on the twenty-second of the eleventh month (22 Shvat 5748).

…The tenth day of the eleventh month is connected with and completes the Divine service of purifying the last "remnants" of exile, "polishing the buttons."

…The day afterwards, the eleventh day of the eleventh month, signifies that in addition to and after the Divine service of the tenth day of the eleventh month, one has achieved and been elevated (according to the principle, "elevate in holiness"5) to the revelation of the eleventh (day) as well.

…One comes afterward to yet a higher level. After the Divine service of all the purifications has already been completed, and we have already also "polished the buttons," etc., we need only stand ready to receive our righteous Moshiach. This is the perfection of eleven (completely incomparable to ten)... as alluded to in 22 Shvat - eleven doubled.

…After the 22nd of Shvat (the day of passing of his daughter), the last stage in preparing the world (as a dwelling place for G-d here below) for the Redemption has been accomplished. The completion of this matter comes through and in the merit of the wives and daughters of Israel.

Therefore, the lesson for the wives and daughters of Israel in general, and in particular for the shluchos [emissaries], may they live and be well, of my sainted father-in-law, the leader of our generation, who have gathered from all corners of the world for the "International Convention of Shluchos" At this time, the last moments before Redemption one must raise one's own awareness and that of all the wives and daughters of Israel concerning the great merit of the wives and daughters of Israel to actually bring the true and complete Redemption, imminently and immediately. This comes "in the merit of the righteous women of the generation,"6 as mentioned above.

(From the talk of Shabbos Parshas Yisro, 20 Shvat,
and Sunday night and Monday, 22 Shvat, 5752)


1. [Passing of the Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka. Translator's note.]

2. Tanya, beginning of chapter 37.

3. Talk of Simchas Torah, 5689.

4. See Sefer HaSichos, 5750, vol. 1, p. 255, note 99.

5. Brochos 28a. See cross references there.

6. Yalkut Shimoni Rus, remez 606 at the end (from Midrash Zuta Rus).

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