General Gallery

The photos displayed here are from a wide variety of categories.
They include the Rebbe meeting with important personalities,
viewing artwork, giving a child money for Tzedakah - and much more!

To view the picture, click on the mini photo

Encouraging the crowd in song during <EM
Encouraging the crowd in song during Kos Shel Brachah
Giving Tzedakah - Charity
Giving Tzedakah - Charity
Distributing dollars for Tzedakah
Distributing dollars for Tzedakah
Giving a coin to a child
Giving a coin to a child
Returning from the Mikvah, in which the Rebbe would immerse himself before going to the Ohel
Returning from the Mikvah, in which the Rebbe would immerse himself before going to the Ohel
In the car that would take him there...
In the car that would take him there...
Getting ready to leave Handing out copies of the Tanya
Handing out copies of the Tanya
Viewing the crowd at a gathering
Viewing the crowd at a gathering
Viewing Baruch Nachshon's artwork
Viewing Baruch Nachshon's artwork
Meeting with the Chief Rabbis of Israel
Meeting with the Chief Rabbis of Israel
Speaking Holding
At a childrens
At a childrens "rally"
During PM Menachem Begin's visit
During PM Menachem Begin's visit
During President Shazar's visit
During President Shazar's visit
During President Shazar's visit
During President Shazar's visit
Laying down the cornerstone for the renovation of
Laying down the cornerstone for the renovation of "770" - Lubavitch World Headquarters
Washing his hands in preparation for Prayer
Washing his hands in preparation for Prayer
...Wiping them
...Wiping them
Walking with paper bag
Waving to someone as he enters (or exits) his car Waving to a boy at the entrance of his private residence
Waving to a boy at the entrance of his private residence
Distributing "Dollars" for Tzedakah at a Farbrengen
Always encouraging us to do our best!

Always encouraging us to do our best!

The Gallery