LIVING WITH MOSHIACH, Parshat Vayeira B"H LIVING WITH MOSHIACH Weekly Digest About Moshiach PARSHAT VAYEIRA, 5782 16 Cheshvan, 5782 October 22, 2021 ** 27TH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE ** ******************************************** * Bring Moshiach now * * by adding in acts of goodness & kindness * ******************************************** ********************************************* * This week's issue of Living With Moshiach * * is dedicated in loving memory of * * Mrs. Aita Leah bas Reb Meir Michel * * Stayer * * Passed away on 29 Nissan, 5774 * * * * * May her Soul Merit Eternal Life * ********************************************* ************************************************* * This week's issue is sponsored in part by: * * Holy Sparks - "" * * * * * Your premiere site for Jewish spirituality. * * * * * 5,782 Years of the Most Amazing Jewish Wisdom * * recorded in calligraphy, especially for you! * * * * * Explore your potential: * * Jewish Books, Art & Wisdom For Our Time. * * FREE art! * ************************************************* >> A Jewish Response To Terrorism << *************************************************** * Visit * * "" * * Dedicated to educating the public regarding the * * current situation in Israel, based on Torah * * sources, with special emphasis on the opinion * * and teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe * *************************************************** Published Weekly By Lubavitch Shluchim Conferences On The Moshiach Campaign, Committee For The Blind * * * 5782 **************************************************** * VISIT US ON THE WEB, AT: * * * **************************************************** * TO RECEIVE THIS PUBLICATION VIA INTERNET: * * E-Mail: * * or: * * * **************************************************** * JEWISH CHILDREN: * * Get your own letter in a Sefer Torah! * * * **************************************************** * Kids! We Want YOU To Join * * Tzivos Hashem (The Army of G-d) * * * **************************************************** * MOSHIACH - CHILDREN'S PAGE * * * **************************************************** * THE SEVEN UNIVERSAL LAWS OF NOAH: * * * **************************************************** THIS PUBLICATION IS DEDICATED TO THE REBBE, RABBI MENACHEM M. SCHNEERSON OF LUBAVITCH "I BELIEVE WITH COMPLETE FAITH IN THE ARRIVAL OF THE MOSHIACH. "AND THOUGH HE MAY TARRY, I SHALL WAIT EACH DAY, ANTICIPATING HIS ARRIVAL." Maimonides, Principles of the Faith, No. 12 ********************* * TABLE OF CONTENTS * ********************* * Introduction. * Customs Corner. * The Weekly Torah Portion. * The Rebbe's Prophecy. * The First Jewish Child. * Chof Cheshvan. * Moshiach Matters. * In G-d We Trust. * Time for Unity; Time for Strength! * A Call to Action. * The Weekly Shabbat Calendar. * "Let There Be Light" - The Jewish Women's Guide to Lighting Shabbat Candles. * Laws of Shabbat Candle Lighting for the Blind. * Shabbat Candle Lighting Blessing. * Moshiach Information Hotlines. * Moshiach In The Air -- Electronic Media. * Subscription Information for this Weekly Magazine: Living With Moshiach. **************** * INTRODUCTION * **************** Thank G-d that, with the current issue, our weekly publication, Living With Moshiach, has begun its 28th year of publication. * At this time, we take the opportunity to thank our supporters who have helped us publish this weekly publication. May G-d bless them, with health, happiness and success in all of their endeavors. * On Shabbat Parshat Eikev, 5751 (August 3, 1991), the Rebbe spoke about the printing of Chasidus in braille for the blind. The full text of the Rebbe's sichah (talk) was reprinted as an "Introduction" to Vol. 1 of the Moshiach - Holiday Series (Chanukah 5753/1992), and in Living With Moshiach, Vols. 1194-1196: * Our sincere appreciation to L'Chaim weekly publication, published by the Lubavitch Youth Organization, for allowing us to use their material. Also, many thanks to our new copy editor, Reb Benyomin Hoffman, for his tireless efforts,. and, many thanks to our former copy editor, Reb Mordechai Staiman, of blessed memory (""), for his tireless efforts. * It is our fervent hope that our learning about Moshiach and the Redemption will hasten the coming of Moshiach, NOW! Rabbi Yosef Y. Shagalov Executive Director Enlightenment For The Blind, Inc. 11 Cheshvan, 5782 Los Angeles, California P.S.: As we are eagerly awaiting the immediate arrival of Moshiach, at any moment, we have included the five blessings that (according to many opinions) will be applicable when Moshiach comes. ************************************************* * IN LOVING MEMORY OF * * Horav Schneur Zalman Halevi * * ben Horav Yitzchok Elchonon Halevi * * Shagalov * * Passed away on 21 Tamuz, 5766 * * * * Reb Dovid Asniel ben Reb Eliyahu * * Ekman * * Passed away on 5 Sivan - Erev Shavuot, 5765 * * * * Mrs. Devora Rivka bas Reb Yosef Eliezer * * Marenburg * * Passed away on the second day * * of Rosh Chodesh Adar, 5766 * * * * Reb Yitzchok Moshe (Ian) ben Reb Dovid Asniel * * Ekman (Santiago, Chile) * * Passed away on 24 Shevat, 5769 * * * * May Their Souls Merit Eternal Life * * * * AND IN HONOR OF * * Mrs. Esther Shaindel bas Fraidel Chedva * * Shagalov * * * * * Dedicated by * * Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Yitzchok and Gittel Rochel * * Shagalov * ************************************************* ****************** * CUSTOMS CORNER * ****************** Are there special blessings that we will recite when Moshiach comes? According to many opinions there are five blessings that will be applicable when Moshiach comes. [*] #1 BO-RUCH A-TOH ADO-NOI E-LO-HEI-NU ME-LECH HO-OLOM GA'AL YISRAEL. Translation: Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, Who redeems Israel. #2 BO-RUCH A-TOH ADO-NOI E-LO-HEI-NU ME-LECH HO-OLOM SHE-HECHE-YO-NU VE-KI-YE-MO-NU VE-HIGI-O-NU LIZ-MAN HA-ZEH. Translation: Blessed are you, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, Who has granted us life, sustained us and enabled us to reach this occasion. #3 BO-RUCH A-TOH ADO-NOI E-LO-HEI-NU ME-LECH HO-OLOM SHE-CHA-LAK M'CHACH-MA-TO L'REI'AV. Translation: Blessed are you, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, Who has given wisdom to those who fear Him. #4 BO-RUCH A-TOH ADO-NOI E-LO-HEI-NU ME-LECH HO-OLOM SHE-CHA-LAK M'KI-VODO L'REI'AV. Translation: Blessed are you, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, Who has given honor to those who fear Him. #5 BO-RUCH A-TOH ADO-NOI E-LO-HEI-NU ME-LECH HO-OLOM CHA-CHAM HA-RA-ZIM. Translation: Blessed are you, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, the Wise One of secrets. _______________ *. Adapted from "L'Chaim weekly" publication, Issue #1003, published by the Lubavitch Youth Organization, Brooklyn, NY. "". ********************************************* * IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR DEAR GRANDPARENTS,* * * * Reb Shmuel Pesach Ben Reb Yaakov Dovid * * Passed away on 3 Tishrei, 5755 * * * * Mrs. Fraidel Chedvah Bas Reb Zev Wolf * * Passed away on 4 Adar II, 5755 * * Pais * * * * May Their Souls Merit Eternal Life * * * * * Dedicated by their grandchildren * * Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Y. and Gittel Rochel * * Shagalov * ********************************************* *************************************** * THE WEEKLY TORAH PORTION * * Adapted from the Works of the Rebbe * *************************************** This week's Torah portion, Parshat Vayeira, relates that Abraham established an inn for guests, and there he "called upon the name of 'kail olam,' the eternal G-d." Our Sages interpret this phrase to imply that Abraham was not satisfied merely to call to G-d himself, but that he taught others too to proclaim G-dliness. What did he do? He established his tent at a crossroads in the desert and generously provided food and drink to wayfarers. After they completed their meal, he asked them to: "Bless the One who provided you with food and drink." When the guests began to bless Abraham, he told them: "Was it I who provided you with food? Bless He who spoke and brought the world into being." By providing people with their physical needs, he made them conscious of the spiritual reality. The Hebrew term kail olam has also attracted the attention of the commentaries. Translated here as "the eternal G-d," it can also mean "G-d of the world," or more literally "G-d, world." "G-d of the world" would imply that G-d and the world are two distinct entities, the former paying homage to the latter, while the more literal meaning is deeper, namely that G-d and the world are indistinguishable; everything is an expression of G-dliness. This is the intent of the phrase "G-d is one" that we recite in the Shema prayer: not only is there only one G-d, but everything in the world is at one with Him. This is not only an abstract concept. It affects a person's fundamental approach to his life. When he sees G-d as "G-d of the world," he understands that he has obligations to Him. After all, if G-d is the Ruler of the world, a person has to pay his dues. But that -- he thinks -- is all he is obligated to do. In the rest of his affairs, his life is his own. It's like paying taxes. You have to give the government a percentage of your income, but afterwards, you can spend the remainder of your money however you like. Similarly, in a spiritual sense, such a person recognizes that he owes something to G-d, but his life is primarily his own; he can do with it whatever he wants. When we appreciate the world as one with G-d, by contrast, our ENTIRE relationship with Him changes. Religion is not merely going to the synagogue or carrying out a certain body of laws, but an all-encompassing experience, affecting every element of our lives. Every situation in which we are found, every person whom we meet gives us an opportunity to advance in our knowledge of G-d and our connection to Him. This is the heritage that Abraham gave to his descendants -- to spread the awareness that we are living in His world, that our lives are not intended merely to provide ourselves with a little bit of enjoyment and satisfaction, but are instead mediums to make His presence known to others. (From Keeping In Touch by Rabbi Eliyahu Touger, published by Sichos in English) ************************ * THE REBBE'S PROPHECY * ************************ The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson of Lubavitch, issued a call that "THE TIME OF OUR REDEMPTION HAS ARRIVED!" and "MOSHIACH IS ON HIS WAY!" The Rebbe stressed that he is saying this AS A PROPHECY, and asks us all to prepare ourselves for the Redemption, through increasing acts of goodness and kindness. LET US ALL HEED THE REBBE'S CALL. * * * What makes the Rebbe's declaration -- that Moshiach's arrival is imminent and the time for the Redemption has arrived -- different from those of great leaders of previous generations? The Jewish people have believed in and awaited Moshiach's coming since the beginning of our nation. In numerous instances throughout Jewish history, tzaddikim (righteous people) of various generations pointed to hints in the Torah that the promised Redemption was near at hand. Sensing the special opportunity for Moshiach's coming, they motivated the Jewish people to study more Torah, do more mitzvot and repent in the hope that these actions would be what was needed to make the Redemption happen. In the times of the Previous Rebbe, the anticipation for the Redemption was truly tangible. The Previous Rebbe issued an urgent call to world Jewry: "Immediate repentance brings immediate Redemption." Even when the Rebbe accepted the leadership in 1950, though he said unequivocally that our generation is the last generation to live in exile and the first generation of the Redemption, he did not say that we had yet reached the moment of Redemption. Only forty years later, after sending thousands of emissaries around the world, initiating the Mitzvah Campaigns to reinvigorate Jewish observance, and inspiring millions, did the Rebbe proclaim, "The time of our Redemption has arrived." This is a totally different message that has never before been enunciated in the history of the Jewish people. The Midrash (Yalkut Shimoni) tells us that in a time when we will witness an event like the Gulf War, Moshiach will tell the Jewish people that the time of the Redemption has arrived. THIS IS NOT A HOPE, A WISH, OR A SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY, BUT A CALL TO PREPARE TO GREET MOSHIACH! The Rebbe has said that the time is now. The question each of us must ask ourselves is not, "When is Moshiach coming?" but rather, "Am I ready for Moshiach's coming today!" ______________ See "Living With Moshiach" Vol. 1194-1196: ******************************************************* * IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR DEAR FRIEND AND COPY EDITOR * * Reb Mordechai ben Reb Shaul * * Staiman * * Passed away on 22 Tamuz, 5763 * * * * May His Soul Merit Eternal Life * ******************************************************* ************************************** * THE FIRST JEWISH CHILD * * Adapted from a Letter of the Rebbe * ************************************** It is a Jewish custom to relate the events of the week to the weekly portion of the Torah, and thereby to derive true instruction from the Torah of Truth. This week's Torah portion, Parshat Vayeira, tells us of the birth and upbringing of the first Jewish boy, namely Isaac, born of Jewish parents, Abraham and Sarah, the first ancestors of our Jewish people. The circumstances surrounding Isaac's birth were supernatural and miraculous. His bris (circumcision) took place when he was eight days old, and his upbringing was fraught with difficulties and trials. Quite different was the case of Abraham's other son Ishmael, whose birth was quite normal, and who was circumcised when he was thirteen years old, that is, at a mature age. Yet it was Isaac whom G-d chose to be Abraham's true heir, from whom the Jewish people would descend. Thus, the Torah teaches us that when new generations are to be born who are to ensure Jewish continuity and future, the approach must not be based on natural considerations and human calculations, for Jewish existence is not dependent upon natural forces, but upon G-d's direct intervention and providence. Similarly, the education and upbringing of Jewish children is not to be determined by the same considerations and criteria as in the non-Jewish world. Jewish parents do not wait until the child becomes mature enough to determine his behavior and find his own way to Judaism. He is given the strongest and fullest possible measure of Jewish training from infancy. Only in this way is it possible to ensure the "everlasting covenant" with G-d, to come through all difficulties and trials with strength, and endowed with G-d's blessings, materially and spiritually. * * * . . . This significant event, taking place on the day after the reading of the weekly Torah portion of Vayeira, is indeed related to the concluding highlights of the portion, namely, the birth and upbringing of the first Jewish child, Isaac, born of the first Jewish parents, Abraham and Sarah. The Torah tells us that Abraham made a "great feast" (when Isaac was two years old), at which the leading dignitaries of the era were present (Rashi, quoting the Midrash). Some of those who attended thought the celebration unrealistic, seeing no future for a single Jewish child, surrounded by a hostile world. Yet G-d promised that this child would be the father of a great and holy nation; a nation which, though overwhelmingly outnumbered, would not only outlive its enemies, but would be a leader and a guiding light to the rest of mankind. A hint to the fulfillment of the Divine promise is to be found in the passage immediately following the above narrative, in which the Torah tells us of Sarah's heartfelt concern for Isaac's upbringing and proper environment even at that early age. Thus, the Torah sets the pattern for Jewish education. It teaches us that regardless of the odds, the future of the Jewish child, as of the Jewish people as a whole, is assured by Divine promise, provided the parents fulfill their responsibilities, even to the point of self-sacrifice, if necessary. Not the least, it teaches us that in matters of Torah and holiness, even "a small beginning flourishes exceedingly in the end." ***************** * CHOF CHESHVAN * ***************** On the 20th of Cheshvan (Tuesday, Oct. 26), we will be commemorating the birthday of Rabbi Sholom DovBer (5621/1860- 5680/1920), the fifth Chabad-Lubavitch Rebbe, known as the Rebbe Rashab. It is said that on a person's birthday, the "spiritual source of the soul shines powerfully." Therefore, it is important to understand what the central point of the Rebbe Rashab's leadership was, and how it differed from the other Chabad Rebbes. The Rebbe explains how each of the Rebbes was characterized by a particular dimension that reflected his individual nature. Chabad Chasidus is characterized by the ability to make the esoteric teachings of the Torah, which remained hidden from the majority of the Jewish community, accessible to every single Jew. The Rebbe Rashab was able to bring the teachings of Chabad Chasidus to an even more comprehensible level than his predecessors. The Rebbe Rashab's teachings put a great emphasis on summarizing subject matter so that it could be more easily implemented into daily life. For this he is referred to by many as the "Rambam (Maimonides) of Chasidus," because he summarized Chasidus in the same way the Rambam summarized the Oral Law, making it comprehensible and giving it clear directions for every aspect of our conduct. The lessons of the Rebbe Rashab are easily understood and are concluded with directions for the practical application of those lessons. In 5657/1897 the Rebbe Rashab established a yeshivah, Tomchei Tmimim, and he was personally involved in every aspect of it, designing the curriculum, and asking for a detailed progress report on each student. He strove to raise both their standard of learning and their standard of behavior. It was a great honor to be accepted into the yeshivah, and its students were highly respected by the community. The Rebbe Rashab published many of his teachings, which deal with improving one's character, how to prepare for prayer and the importance of prayer, and of studying Chasidus. May we all benefit from his teachings. * * * There is a beautiful story concerning the Rebbe Rashab, illustrating the high esteem in which he held every Jew. One of the Rebbe Rashab's followers, Reb Monye Monissohn, was a wealthy gem dealer. Once, when they were sitting together, the Rebbe spoke very highly about some simple, unlearned Jews. "Why do you make such a fuss about them?" Reb Monye asked the Rebbe. "Each one of them has many special and noble qualities," explained the Rebbe. "I can't see any of these qualities," said Reb Monye. The Rebbe remained silent. A while later, he asked Reb Monye if he had brought his package of diamonds with him. Indeed, Reb Monye had brought the diamonds, but asked the Rebbe if he could display them later, when they could be seen to their best advantage. Later, Reb Monye took the Rebbe into a different room and arranged the diamonds for him to see. Reb Monye pointed to one gem in particular, extolling its beautiful color and quality. "I can't see anything special in it," the Rebbe said. "That is because you have to be a maven to know how to look at diamonds!" explained Reb Monye. "Every Jew, too, is something beautiful and extra-ordinary," the Rebbe said. "But you have to be a maven to know how to look at him." * * * The Rebbe Rashab was a great tzadik and a person of tremendous insight. This can be illustrated by the following incident. The Rebbe Rashab founded, in 5657/1897, the Tomchei Tmimim Yeshivah in the city of Lubavitch. The Rebbe Rashab was an honorary member of the council which was formed to help establish the new government's policy toward the Jews after the deposition of the Czar. In 5678/1918 he traveled to Petersburg to participate in a council meeting. At one of the stops on the journey, he sent his attendant to buy a newspaper. Returning with the newspaper, the attendant read to the Rebbe Rashab: "The Communists have taken over, and the council has been abolished." The Rebbe Rashab responded, "We must now establish yeshivot in every city. I do not see their [the Communists'] end, but ultimately, their end too, will come..." In the (former) Soviet Union, as the Communist arm stretched forth with ever increasing strength, the yeshivot went underground. Today, thank G-d, there are still hundreds of people living all over the world who were educated in those underground yeshivot. In the last few years, yeshivot have been started in many cities including Tbilisi, Moscow, Minsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Kishinev, and Kharkov. Dozens of Tomchei Tmimim Yeshivot continue to educate young Jews in many countries around the world, including Canada, Australia, Israel, Venezuela, and throughout the United States. How visionary were the Rebbe Rashab's words concerning the ultimate demise of Communism. ******************** * MOSHIACH MATTERS * ******************** About the coming of Moshiach, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi (the first Rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch), said that it will be written up in the newspapers. That is just an expression. The actual meaning is that every single Jew will be ready for the coming of Moshiach exactly as if it were written in the newspaper that Moshiach is already on the way! ("Torat Sholom" of the Rebbe Rashab) ******************* * IN G-D WE TRUST * ******************* Do you have any money? No, this isn't a shake-down. But, if you have a U.S. one dollar bill, pull it out before continuing to read this article. Being such an integral aspect of our lives, there must be something valuable money can teach us! Turn to the side of the dollar bill that doesn't have the picture of George Washington. The most conspicuous item, you will notice, is the word, "ONE." "One" is a very prominent concept in Judaism. A basic tenet of our faith is that G-d is one and there is nothing but G-d in the world -- the belief that nothing exists but G-d, or that everything exists only because of G-d is ultimate oneness. Interestingly enough, the word "one" is directly below another major Jewish concept, "In G-d We Trust." The Jewish people's trust and faith in G-d has kept us going throughout the ages. This trust, however, is not limited to the Jewish people as a group, but encompasses our individual lives as well. Kabbala teaches -- and the Baal Shem Tov expounds on this teaching -- that we are never alone, G-d is always with us. Even in a person's darkest moments, G-d is with him and we can put our trust in Him, because each person is truly one with G-d. The concept of the oneness of the entire universe is further reflected in the Latin phrase in the eagle's beak, "E Pluribus Unum," meaning, "From many you make one." The eagle is holding arrows in one claw and what many horticulturists consider to be an olive branch in the other claw. This suggests the time of peace spoken about by our great prophet Isaiah when we will "beat our swords into plowshares..." The number of arrowheads, the number of leaves on the olive branch, the number of stars above the eagle's head, are all 13. Thirteen, certainly, was the number of the original Colonies. But in addition, and perhaps not so coincidentally, it is the numerical equivalent of the Hebrew letters in the word echad, which means "one." Also, the stars above the eagle's head, in the shape that has become known as a "Jewish star" and has become a symbol of Judaism, have light emanating from around them. The Jewish people were commanded by G-d to be "a light to the nations." Let's look for a moment at the other sphere across from the eagle -- the one containing the pyramid. Two Latin phrases are in this circle. "Annuit Coeptis," according to the Webster dictionary, means, "He [G-d] has favored our undertaking." The second phrase, "Novus ordo seclorum," means "a new order of the ages," which in yesterday's lingo would be "a new world order" and in today's lingo "the Era of the Redemption." The pyramid itself -- work of human beings -- is incomplete. It becomes complete only when joined with the eye, symbolizing most probably G-d's all-seeing Eye. It is only when we connect the work of our own hands with G-d and when we acknowledge G-d's assistance in our own work that we can complete our job. As G-d tells us, "Not through your courage nor through your strength, but with My spirit." Just as the eagle symbolizes the United States, the pyramid is symbolic of a country -- though much more ancient than the USA. The pyramid is Egypt -- the location of the Jewish people's first exile. It is from Egypt that the first Redeemer, Moses, took us out and brought us to freedom and the Giving of the Torah. And it is from our last place of exile -- symbolized by the eagle -- that the call has come forth, "The time of our Redemption has arrived. Get ready for the coming of Moshiach." ************************************** * TIME FOR UNITY; TIME FOR STRENGTH! * ************************************** The most important principle in the Torah is the protection of Jewish life. It's more important than Shabbat, more important than holidays, even fasting on Yom Kippur. Right now, in Israel, and everywhere, Jews must stand together in unity and do whatever possible to protect Jewish life. The Rebbe teaches that there are TEN important MITZVOT we can do to protect life. See what you can do: 1) AHAVAT YISROEL: Behave with love towards another Jew. 2) LEARN TORAH: Join a Torah class. 3) Make sure that Jewish children get a TORAH TRUE EDUCATION. 4) Affix kosher MEZUZOT on all doorways of the house. 5) For men and boys over 13: Put on TEFILLIN every weekday. 6) Give CHARITY. 7) Buy JEWISH HOLY BOOKS and learn them. 8) LIGHT SHABBAT & YOM TOV candles. A Mitzvah for women and girls. 9) Eat and drink only KOSHER FOOD. 10) Observe the laws of JEWISH FAMILY PURITY. In addition the Rebbe urges that: Every Jewish man, woman and child should have a letter written for them in a SEFER TORAH.* Every person should study either the Rambam's Yad Hachazakah -- Code of Jewish Law -- or the Sefer HaMitzvos. Concerning Moshiach, the Rebbe stated, "The time for our redemption has arrived!" Everyone should prepare themselves for Moshiach's coming by doing random acts of goodness and kindness, and by studying about what the future redemption will be like. May we merit to see the fulfillment of the Rebbe's prophecy now! _______________ *. There are several Torah scrolls being written to unite Jewish people and protect Jewish life. Letters for children can be purchased for only $1. Send your Hebrew name and your mother's Hebrew name plus $1 to: "Children's Sefer Torah," P.O. Box 8, Kfar Chabad, 6084000, Israel, or via the Internet, at: ******************** * A CALL TO ACTION * ******************** The Rebbe's slogan is: "The main thing is the deed." We therefore present from the Rebbe's talks, suggestions of what we can do to complete his work of bringing the Redemption. ENCOURAGE THE KIDS! Do the doorposts of your children's rooms have mezuzahs on them? If they do, point them out to the children and encourage them to kiss or touch the mezuzah cover as they go in and out of the room. If not, purchase a hand-written mezuzah scroll from a reliable Judaica store or your local Chabad-Lubavitch Center. You can even let the child choose his or her own mezuzah cover. The Rebbe explained, "We see that children have a unique attraction to a mezuzah, and kiss it eagerly several times a day. From the mezuzah, one goes from one's house to the world at large as the Rambam writes, 'Whenever one enters or departs, one will confront the unity of G-d's name.'" (18th of Cheshvan, 5752/1991) *************************************** * In loving memory of * * HORAV CHAIM YEHUDA KALMAN * * Ben Horav Avrohom Yehoshua * * Marlow * * head of the Bet-Din (Rabbinical * * Court) of Crown Heights, * * Passed away, on Friday Morning, * * 20 Sivan, 5760 (June 23, 2000) * * * * May His Soul Merit Eternal Life * *************************************** ******************************* * THE WEEKLY SHABBAT CALENDAR * ******************************* ** JEWISH WOMEN AND GIRLS LIGHT SHABBAT CANDLES ** ******************************************************* * FOR LOCAL CANDLE LIGHTING TIMES: * * consult your local Rabbi, Chabad-Lubavitch Center. * * or: * * * * * * FOR A FREE CANDLE LIGHTING KIT: * * contact your local Chabad-Lubavitch Center. * * * * FOR A LISTING OF THE CENTERS IN YOUR AREA: * * * ******************************************************* >>>> Times Shown Are for Metro NY - NJ <<<< FRIDAY, OCT. 22, EREV SHABBAT PARSHAT VAYEIRA: * Light Shabbat Candles, [1] by 5:47 p.m. SATURDAY, OCT. 23, SHABBAT PARSHAT VAYEIRA: * Shabbat ends at NIGHTFALL, at 6:45 p.m. _______________ 1. The Shabbat candles must be lit 18 minutes *BEFORE* sunset. IT IS PROHIBITED AND IS A DESECRATION OF THE SHABBAT TO LIGHT THE CANDLES *AFTER* SUNSET. ********************************************* * May the Shabbat candles, of the millions * * of Jewish women and girls around the * * world, illuminate our way, until we very * * soon see the fulfillment of G-d's promise * * (as it is written in the Midrash * * (Yalkut Shimoni, Beha'alotecha)): * * "If you will observe the kindling of the * * Shabbat lights, you will merit to see * * the lights of the redemption of the * * Jewish people," speedily in our days, * * NOW! * ********************************************* *************************************** * "LET THERE BE LIGHT" * * - The Jewish Women's Guide * * to Lighting Shabbat Candles * * * *************************************** *********************************** * LAWS OF SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING * * FOR THE BLIND * *********************************** Edited by Rabbi Y. K. Marlow O.B.M.* * A blind woman who lives alone should light her Shabbat candle(s) with a blessing. * If she is married to a non-visually impaired person, HER HUSBAND SHOULD LIGHT THE SHABBAT CANDLES WITH THE BLESSING. * If she is eating and lighting in the company of others who are non-visually impaired, and they lit the Shabbat candles, she should light her own Shabbat candle(s), BUT WITHOUT SAYING THE BLESSING. * (If at all possible, she should not be the last one to light the Shabbat candle(s), so that she can be absolved by the latter's blessing.) _______________ *. Head of Bet-Din (Rabbinical Court) of Crown Heights. ************************************ * SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING BLESSING * ************************************ * First light the candles. Then spread your hands out around the candles, drawing your hands inward in a circular motion three times to indicate the acceptance of the sanctity of Shabbat. You then cover your eyes and recite the following blessing: BO-RUCH A-TOH ADO-NOI E-LO-HEI-NU ME-LECH HO-OLOM A-SHER KI-DE-SHO-NU BE-MITZ-VO-SOV VE-TZI-VO-NU LE-HAD-LIK NER SHEL SHA-BOS KO-DESH. Translation: Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to kindle the light of the holy Shabbat. * Uncover your eyes and behold the Shabbat lights. * The time of lighting is considered especially propitious for praying to G-d for health and happiness. The prayer is readily acceptable because it is offered during the performance of this great mitzvah of lighting Shabbat candles. CAUTION: The candles must be lit 18 minutes *BEFORE* sunset. IT IS PROHIBITED AND IS A DESECRATION OF THE SHABBAT TO LIGHT THE CANDLES *AFTER* SUNSET. ******************************************* * MOSHIACH INFORMATION HOTLINES * * * ******************************************* ****************************************** * MOSHIACH IN THE AIR - ELECTRONIC MEDIA * * * ****************************************** ******************************** * LIVING WITH MOSHIACH * * Weekly Digest About Moshiach * ******************************** Annual subscription (for the 18-point, large type edition) $18.00. For a one-year subscription, make your check payable to: "Enlightenment For The Blind" and mail it to: 602 N. Orange Drive. 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