LIVING WITH MOSHIACH, Erev Shemini Atzeret B"H LIVING WITH MOSHIACH Weekly Digest About Moshiach EREV SHEMINI ATZERET, 5782 Tishrei 21, 5782 Sept. 27, 2021 SPECIAL FEATURE: Your Shemini Atzeret - Simchat Torah Guide ******************************************** * Bring Moshiach now * * by adding in acts of goodness & kindness * ******************************************** ********************************************* * This week's issue of Living With Moshiach * * is dedicated in loving memory of * * Mrs. Aita Leah bas Reb Meir Michel * * Stayer * * Passed away on 29 Nissan, 5774 * * * * * May her Soul Merit Eternal Life * ********************************************* ************************************************* * This week's issue is sponsored in part by: * * Holy Sparks - "" * * * * * Your premiere site for Jewish spirituality. * * * * * 5,782 Years of the Most Amazing Jewish Wisdom * * recorded in calligraphy, especially for you! * * * * * Explore your potential: * * Jewish Books, Art & Wisdom For Our Time. * * FREE art! * ************************************************* >> A Jewish Response To Terrorism << *************************************************** * Visit * * "" * * Dedicated to educating the public regarding the * * current situation in Israel, based on Torah * * sources, with special emphasis on the opinion * * and teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe * *************************************************** Published Weekly By Lubavitch Shluchim Conferences On The Moshiach Campaign, Committee For The Blind * * * 5782 **************************************************** * VISIT US ON THE WEB, AT: * * * **************************************************** * TO RECEIVE THIS PUBLICATION VIA INTERNET: * * E-Mail: * * or: * * * **************************************************** * JEWISH CHILDREN: * * Get your own letter in a Sefer Torah! * * * **************************************************** * Kids! We Want YOU To Join * * Tzivos Hashem (The Army of G-d) * * * **************************************************** * MOSHIACH - CHILDREN'S PAGE * * * **************************************************** * THE SEVEN UNIVERSAL LAWS OF NOAH: * * * **************************************************** THIS PUBLICATION IS DEDICATED TO THE REBBE, RABBI MENACHEM M. SCHNEERSON OF LUBAVITCH "I BELIEVE WITH COMPLETE FAITH IN THE ARRIVAL OF THE MOSHIACH. "AND THOUGH HE MAY TARRY, I SHALL WAIT EACH DAY, ANTICIPATING HIS ARRIVAL." Maimonides, Principles of the Faith, No. 12 ********************* * TABLE OF CONTENTS * ********************* * Introduction. * Customs Corner. * Shemini Atzeret. * Simchat Torah. * The Rebbe's Prophecy. * Is Everybody Happy? * Feet of the Torah. * Your Shemini Atzeret - Simchat Torah Guide. * The Intermediate Days of Sukkot. Chol HaMoed. Hoshanah Rabbah. * What Is Simchat Torah? A Transcendent Joy. As the Circle Turns. Children Dancing with Flags. The Festive Meals. * Moshiach Matters. * The Shemini Atzeret - Simchat Torah Calendar. * Candle and Festival Blessings. * Holiday Recipes. Fancy Kreplach. Honey Cake. Traditional Challah. * It Happened Once. * Time for Unity; Time for Strength! * A Call to Action. * "Let There Be Light" - The Jewish Women's Guide to Lighting Shabbat Candles. * Laws of Shabbat Candle Lighting for the Blind. * Shabbat Candle Lighting Blessing. * Moshiach Information Hotlines. * Moshiach In The Air -- Electronic Media. * Subscription Information for this Weekly Magazine: Living With Moshiach. **************** * INTRODUCTION * **************** We are pleased to present, to the visually impaired and the blind, the 1253rd issue of our weekly publication, Living With Moshiach. * In this week's issue, we focus on the laws of the upcoming festive holidays of Shemini Atzeret - Simchat Torah, "Your Shemini Atzeret - Simchat Torah Guide," Therefore, we present here "Your Shemini Atzeret - Simchat Torah Guide," [*] and other related material. * We take this opportunity to wish you and yours a happy holiday. * Our sincere appreciation to L'Chaim weekly publication, published by the Lubavitch Youth Organization, for allowing us to use their material. Also, many thanks to our new copy editor, Reb Benyomin Hoffman, for his tireless efforts,. and, many thanks to our former copy editor, Reb Mordechai Staiman, of blessed memory (""), for his tireless efforts. * It is our fervent hope that our learning about Moshiach and the Redemption will hasten the coming of Moshiach, NOW! Rabbi Yosef Y. Shagalov Executive Director Enlightenment For The Blind, Inc. 13 Tishrei, 5782 Los Angeles, California P.S.: As we are eagerly awaiting the immediate arrival of Moshiach, at any moment, we have included the five blessings that (according to many opinions) will be applicable when Moshiach comes. ______________ * Published by Outreach Publishing Corp. DEDICATED TO THE REBBE, In honor of our daughter CHAYA SARAH on the occasion of her birthday, 25 Elul ****************** * CUSTOMS CORNER * ****************** Are there special blessings that we will recite when Moshiach comes? According to many opinions there are five blessings that will be applicable when Moshiach comes. [*] #1 BO-RUCH A-TOH ADO-NOI E-LO-HEI-NU ME-LECH HO-OLOM GA'AL YISRAEL. Translation: Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, Who redeems Israel. #2 BO-RUCH A-TOH ADO-NOI E-LO-HEI-NU ME-LECH HO-OLOM SHE-HECHE-YO-NU VE-KI-YE-MO-NU VE-HIGI-O-NU LIZ-MAN HA-ZEH. Translation: Blessed are you, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, Who has granted us life, sustained us and enabled us to reach this occasion. #3 BO-RUCH A-TOH ADO-NOI E-LO-HEI-NU ME-LECH HO-OLOM SHE-CHA-LAK M'CHACH-MA-TO L'REI'AV. Translation: Blessed are you, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, Who has given wisdom to those who fear Him. #4 BO-RUCH A-TOH ADO-NOI E-LO-HEI-NU ME-LECH HO-OLOM SHE-CHA-LAK M'KI-VODO L'REI'AV. Translation: Blessed are you, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, Who has given honor to those who fear Him. #5 BO-RUCH A-TOH ADO-NOI E-LO-HEI-NU ME-LECH HO-OLOM CHA-CHAM HA-RA-ZIM. Translation: Blessed are you, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, the Wise One of secrets. _______________ *. Adapted from "L'Chaim weekly" publication, Issue #1003, published by the Lubavitch Youth Organization, Brooklyn, NY. "". *************************************** * SHEMINI ATZERET * * Adapted from the Works of the Rebbe * *************************************** Of all the holidays of the month of Tishrei, it is perhaps the very last, Shemini Atzeret, which best expresses G-d's love for the Jewish people. The name itself, "Atzeret," comes from the Hebrew word "to stop" or "delay." G-d detains us, as it were, for one more day before we return to our regular lives. The Midrash likens this to a king who holds a seven-day celebration for his sons. On the eighth day, when it comes time for them to leave, he is reluctant to see them go and asks them to remain for one more day of festivities. A question is asked: How can one more day of celebration make the inevitable departure less painful? What is gained by pushing it off? We must therefore conclude that there is something about this special holiday, Shemini Atzeret, which actually prevents the departure from taking place at all. This concept is reflected in the precise language of the Midrash. "Your departure is difficult," the king tells his sons, not "our departure." This alludes to the fact that G-d never abandons the Jewish people; His love for us is constant and eternal. "Your departure is difficult," G-d tells us. G-d doesn't want us to abandon Him; He therefore requests that we celebrate one more holiday together that will serve to strengthen our bond. The key to maintaining a close connection with G-d is achdut -- unity. When Jews are united with one another our relationship with G-d is strong. When, however, there is strife and division, it forms a wedge between the Jewish people and our Father in heaven. The entire theme of Sukkot is Jewish unity; indeed, the mitzvah of the Four Species represents the four types of Jews coming together to be bound into one entity. Nonetheless, after Sukkot is over and its positive effect has dissipated, the possibility still exists that the individual elements will revert to their previous separateness and dissociation. In order to prevent this from happening, G-d asks us to remain with Him a while longer, to celebrate a holiday that will secure our unity in an everlasting manner. On Shemini Atzeret, a single sacrifice is brought in the Holy Temple, expressing the idea of the indivisible nature of the Jewish people. Furthermore, this concept is also reflected in the way the holiday is celebrated: great scholars and simple people alike dancing with the Torah scroll, without distinction between them. The absolute unity with which we conclude the holidays of Tishrei thus guarantees that these feelings will carry over into the rest of the year, effectively preventing that we will ever "depart" from holiness, G-d forbid. *************************************** * SIMCHAT TORAH * * Adapted from the Works of the Rebbe * *************************************** The last day of the festival of Sukkot is Simchat Torah, the Rejoicing of the Torah. On this day we conclude the yearly cycle of the Torah reading by finishing the last portion of the Book of Deuteronomy and begin again with the first chapter of Genesis. But why was this particular day chosen to celebrate our joy in the Torah? The answer lies in Simchat Torah's close relationship with Yom Kippur, which precedes Sukkot by five days. One explanation of why this holiday is observed as a celebration of Torah has to do with the tablets of the Ten Commandments. On Shavuot, when the Torah was revealed, G-d gave Moses the first set of tablets. These Moses broke after seeing the Golden Calf that the Jews had fashioned. Moses ascended Mount Sinai for a second forty-day period, begging G-d's forgiveness for the Jewish people. After a third forty-day period, Moses descended with the second set of tablets. These second tablets were, in certain respects, superior to the first, and are called "a double portion of blessing." Another reason we rejoice on this day is because of the basic difference between Shavuot -- the holiday which commemorates the Giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai -- and Simchat Torah. On Shavuot, the Torah was presented to mankind as a gift, whereas on Simchat Torah the joy we feel comes, to a certain extent, from the toil and effort we invested in living and learning Torah during the previous year. Human nature is such that it is impossible to feel pure and unadulterated joy over something that is received without having expended any effort. Food that a person receives as a charitable donation is called the "bread of shame," and brings with it only incomplete satisfaction. A person is truly happy only when his success and wealth are achieved as the fruits of his own labor. This is why, on Shavuot, our rejoicing in the Torah is not complete, for on that day G-d gave us His gift without any effort on our part. Our unlimited joy in G-d's Torah is reserved for Simchat Torah, the culmination of an entire year's learning and study. Unlike the first set of tablets of the Ten Commandments, the second set were fashioned by Moses and not by G-d, although the letters were again written by the Divine hand. This underscores the power man has been given to become an active and willing partner in G-d's plan for the universe. Furthermore, when the Ten Commandments were given to the Jews for the first time, they were all considered to be tzadikim, righteous people. They stood at Mount Sinai in unprecedented unity, and were free of sin. The second time around, on Yom Kippur, the Jewish people had already committed the sin of the Golden Calf, and were now baalei teshuvah -- they had returned to the right path after their transgression. Their joy in G-d's Torah on that day was even greater than on Shavuot, because a person who has sinned and does teshuvah is on an even higher level than one who has never sinned, and the closeness to G-d that comes after one has temporarily strayed is therefore that much more precious. ************************************************* * IN LOVING MEMORY OF * * Horav Schneur Zalman Halevi * * ben Horav Yitzchok Elchonon Halevi * * Shagalov * * Passed away on 21 Tamuz, 5766 * * * * Reb Dovid Asniel ben Reb Eliyahu * * Ekman * * Passed away on 5 Sivan - Erev Shavuot, 5765 * * * * Mrs. Devora Rivka bas Reb Yosef Eliezer * * Marenburg * * Passed away on the second day * * of Rosh Chodesh Adar, 5766 * * * * Reb Yitzchok Moshe (Ian) ben Reb Dovid Asniel * * Ekman (Santiago, Chile) * * Passed away on 24 Shevat, 5769 * * * * May Their Souls Merit Eternal Life * * * * AND IN HONOR OF * * Mrs. Esther Shaindel bas Fraidel Chedva * * Shagalov * * * * * Dedicated by * * Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Yitzchok and Gittel Rochel * * Shagalov * ************************************************* ************************ * THE REBBE'S PROPHECY * ************************ The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson of Lubavitch, issued a call that "THE TIME OF OUR REDEMPTION HAS ARRIVED!" and "MOSHIACH IS ON HIS WAY!" The Rebbe stressed that he is saying this AS A PROPHECY, and asks us all to prepare ourselves for the Redemption, through increasing acts of goodness and kindness. LET US ALL HEED THE REBBE'S CALL. * * * What makes the Rebbe's declaration -- that Moshiach's arrival is imminent and the time for the Redemption has arrived -- different from those of great leaders of previous generations? The Jewish people have believed in and awaited Moshiach's coming since the beginning of our nation. In numerous instances throughout Jewish history, tzaddikim (righteous people) of various generations pointed to hints in the Torah that the promised Redemption was near at hand. Sensing the special opportunity for Moshiach's coming, they motivated the Jewish people to study more Torah, do more mitzvot and repent in the hope that these actions would be what was needed to make the Redemption happen. In the times of the Previous Rebbe, the anticipation for the Redemption was truly tangible. The Previous Rebbe issued an urgent call to world Jewry: "Immediate repentance brings immediate Redemption." Even when the Rebbe accepted the leadership in 1950, though he said unequivocally that our generation is the last generation to live in exile and the first generation of the Redemption, he did not say that we had yet reached the moment of Redemption. Only forty years later, after sending thousands of emissaries around the world, initiating the Mitzvah Campaigns to reinvigorate Jewish observance, and inspiring millions, did the Rebbe proclaim, "The time of our Redemption has arrived." This is a totally different message that has never before been enunciated in the history of the Jewish people. The Midrash (Yalkut Shimoni) tells us that in a time when we will witness an event like the Gulf War, Moshiach will tell the Jewish people that the time of the Redemption has arrived. THIS IS NOT A HOPE, A WISH, OR A SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY, BUT A CALL TO PREPARE TO GREET MOSHIACH! The Rebbe has said that the time is now. The question each of us must ask ourselves is not, "When is Moshiach coming?" but rather, "Am I ready for Moshiach's coming today!" ______________ See "Living With Moshiach" Vol. 1194-1196: ********************************************* * IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR DEAR GRANDPARENTS,* * * * Reb Shmuel Pesach Ben Reb Yaakov Dovid * * On the occasion of his 27th yahrtzeit, * * 3 Tishrei, 5782 * * * * Mrs. Fraidel Chedvah Bas Reb Zev Wolf * * Passed away on 4 Adar II, 5755 * * Pais * * * * May Their Souls Merit Eternal Life * * * * * Dedicated by their grandchildren * * Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Y. and Gittel Rochel * * Shagalov * ********************************************* *********************** * IS EVERYBODY HAPPY? * *********************** The holidays of Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah, which, happily, are approaching, are referred to as "the time of our rejoicing." As such, let's take a look at some of the words of our Sages and chasidic teachings about the importance of joy and happiness in our lives. King David in Psalms advises us, "Serve G-d with joy, come before Him with jubilation." The power of joy is unlimited, for, as stated in the Talmud, "Joy breaks all boundaries." In addition, G-d attaches a great deal of importance to joy, for "The Divine Presence rests only upon one who performs a mitzvah in a joyous spirit" (Talmud). In fact, it is said about the famous 16th century Kabbalist, Rabbi Yitzchok Luria, that he merited Divine inspiration and even to meet Elijah the Prophet, because he infused his mitzvot with so much joy. Simchah (joy), is one of the most essential elements of the chasidic way of life. In fact, in the early stages of the chasidic movement, before the name "chasidim" was coined, Chasidim were often referred to in Yiddish as "di freilicha," meaning, "the happy ones." The Baal Shem Tov, founder of Chasidus, would say that sometimes, when the Yetzer Hora (the evil impulse) tries to persuade a person to commit a sin, it does not care whether or not the person will actually sin. What it is looking for is that after sinning, the person will become depressed and overcome with sadness. In other words, the depression that follows the sin can cause more spiritual damage than the actual sin itself. Rabbi Shlomo of Karlin taught that depression is considered the threshold of all evil. He said that although the 365 negative commandments do not include a commandment not to be depressed, the damage that sadness and depression can cause is worse than the damage that any sin can cause. The Rebbe explained that if the Jewish people already begin now to rejoice in the Redemption, out of our absolute trust that G-d will speedily send us Moshiach, this joy in itself will (as it were), compel G-d to fulfill His children's wish and to redeem them from exile. In the Tanya, the basic work of Chabad Chasidic philosophy, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, used the example of two wrestlers to describe the importance of joy: "With a victory over a physical obstacle, such as in the case of two individuals who are wrestling with each other, each striving to throw the other -- if one is lazy and sluggish he will easily be defeated and thrown, even though he be stronger than the other, exactly so it is in the conquest of one's evil nature; it is impossible to conquer it with laziness and heaviness, which originates in sadness and in a heart that is dulled like a stone, but rather with alacrity, which derives from joy and from a heart that is free and cleansed from any trace of worry and sadness. This is a cardinal principle." A chasid once wrote to the third Chabad-Lubavitch Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, known as the Tzemach Tzedek, that he found it difficult to be happy. The Tzemach Tzedek advised him: "Thought, speech and action are within one's control. A person must guard his thoughts and think only thoughts that bring joy; he should be cautious not to speak about sad or depressing matters; and he should behave as if he were very joyous, even if he doesn't feel especially happy. In the end, he will ultimately be joyous." What can you do to help a friend out of a slump if he isn't too happy? Tell him some good news, as our Sages advised, for good news gladdens the heart and good tidings expand the mind. Happy holidays! ******************************************************* * IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR DEAR FRIEND AND COPY EDITOR * * Reb Mordechai ben Reb Shaul * * Staiman * * Passed away on 22 Tamuz, 5763 * * * * May His Soul Merit Eternal Life * ******************************************************* ********************* * FEET OF THE TORAH * ********************* Every year, when Jews go forth to dance on Simchat Torah, Torah scrolls cradled in their arms, they are expressing the fiery bond of the Jewish people to the Torah and to G-d. Viewing this dancing -- hakafot -- in the light of Chasidus, some puzzling questions arise about the manner in which we celebrate Simchat Torah. The Torah belongs to the sphere of the intellect (Torah from the root hora'a -- teaching), and it is our obligation to study Torah and to understand it. Would it not be more appropriate then to celebrate Torah in an intellectual manner, by intensifying its study, delving into it in greater depth and rejoicing in the growth of our knowledge and understanding? We seem to do exactly the opposite. Instead of studying the Torah, we take it in our arms, rolled up and clothed in its cover in a manner that makes it impossible to read from it, and instead of serving the Torah with our heads, we serve it with our feet -- by dancing! But strange as it may seem, it is through the dancing of hakafot that we can best express our true and inner relationship to Torah. Torah is the wisdom of G-d, as it is written: "He has chosen us from among the nations and given us His Torah." As such, the true meaning of Torah is concealed from us, beyond all human understanding. The scholar can grasp its true essence no better than a small child. The Torah speaks not to our limited human intellect, but to the soul itself, for the soul, too, is "part of G-d Above." When we study Torah -- whether it is the Torah learning of a great scholar, or the breath of a small child reciting a verse -- we are connecting the essence of G-d found in the Torah with the essence of our soul. The Torah as we see it at hakafot, enclosed in its cover, symbolizes the aspect of Torah that is hidden from our intellect. All Jews, regardless of their level of scholarship, can dance with the Torah. For Torah, as G-d's gift, is the inheritance of all the Jewish people (and an heir inherits absolutely, regardless of age or personal qualities). The previous Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn, explained that the Torah wishes to go around the reading table. But since the Torah has no feet, the Jewish people become the feet of the Torah, and carry it around the bimah. What does it mean to become the feet of the Torah? Feet have no will of their own, but obey the dictates of the head unquestioningly and automatically. By dancing with the Torah, becoming its "feet," we express our resolve to obey the mitzvot of the Torah with simple faith and total devotion. The joyous dedication of the Jewish people to Torah causes the Torah itself to be elevated, just as the head is borne along by the feet to the place it wishes to go. This is why Simchat Torah is called, "the season of our rejoicing," when the Jewish people rejoice in the Torah, and the Torah, too, rejoices in the Jewish people, both benefiting each other. This, then, is the message of hakafot. The true foundation of all Torah learning and the service of G-d throughout the year must be based on the recognition of the holiness of Torah as a gift of the One Above, and on a pure and simple faith leading to devotion and obedience. But all this is only the foundation. G-d gave us powers of intellect, talents and abilities, and these, too, must be put to the service of Torah. We must not remain with simple faith alone, but must struggle to understand as much of the Torah as we are able, by means of our intellect. Only then will we serve G-d with our entire being. Even as we dance hakafot with our rolled-up Torah scrolls, it is the reading table we are encircling, reminding us of the duty to study the Torah. And before each hakafah we recite verses from the Torah. For only when simple faith and devotion are combined with study and understanding are hakafot the way they are supposed to be. ********************************************** * YOUR SHEMINI ATZERET - SIMCHAT TORAH GUIDE * *--------------------------------------------* * Tishrei 22-23, 5782 * * Sept. 27-29, 2021 * ********************************************** *********************************** * THE INTERMEDIATE DAYS OF SUKKOT * *********************************** Chol HaMoed The third through the seventh days of Sukkot, from Wednesday night, Sept. 22, through Monday, Sept. 27, are called Chol Hamoed -- the intermediate days. We do not recite Kiddush or light candles, except for Shabbat. However, only very necessary work should be done. Throughout the seven days of the Festival, we continue our celebration in the sukkah, in ever-increasing exhilaration. Just as the seven solemn days between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur serve to make amends for each week of the previous year, so the seven joyous days of Sukkot will bring us happiness in all the weeks of the year to come. Hoshanah Rabbah The seventh day of Sukkot, Monday, Sept. 27, is called Hoshanah Rabbah. It is customary to stay awake the night before and recite portions of Torah and the Book of Psalms. In the morning, we circle the Bimah (platform) seven times, lulav and etrog in hand. Then we recite special prayers, called "Hoshanah." In an ancient rite of profound mystical significance, we beat on the floor five willow branches that are bound together, symbolically "sweetening" G-d's judgment. ************************** * WHAT IS SIMCHAT TORAH? * ************************** A Transcendent Joy Simchat Torah is the culmination of a month filled with uplifting experiences. We have stood in awe before the King of the Universe; we have been forgiven and cleansed by His mercy; and we have experienced the joy of uniting with G-dliness through His beautiful commandments. Now, we rejoice with His Torah. We take the sacred scrolls in our arms and dance together, scholar and novice alike. During the dancing, the scroll remains in its cover, for this is not a time for study. The joy of Simchat Torah is far greater than any delight we may derive from intellectual understanding. Here again, we emphasize that sublime level of the Jewish soul where we are all one. As the Circle Turns On the evening of Simchat Torah, Tuesday, Sept. 28 (and in some communities, on the previous evening of Shemini Atzeret, Monday evening, Sept. 27, as well), we make seven "hakafot" (circlings) around the bimah, singing and dancing with the Torah scrolls. On the morning of Simchat Torah, Wednesday, Sept. 29, the final portion of the Torah is read, completing the yearly cycle. Then we immediately start reading the beginning. Thus, we continue to nourish ourselves from the infinite wisdom of G-d's Torah -- the eternal force that has bound us together and sustained us for 3,333 years. Children Dancing with Flags In an army parade, each regiment carries its colors. So, too, on Simchat Torah, when all of the Torah scrolls are taken out of the Ark and danced with, the children carry flags, like soldiers, to impress upon them that we are all in G-d's army. The Festive Meals On the eighth day, Tuesday, Sept. 28, which is Shemini Atzeret, that commences on Monday night, we continue to eat meals in the sukkah, but without reciting the blessing "Lei-shev Ba-su-kah." On Simchat Torah, Wednesday, Sept. 29, the ninth day, which commences on Tuesday night, we resume eating meals indoors. ******************************************** * In loving memory of * * RABBI ELYE GROSS, * * our Developmental Consultant * * * * * On the occasion of his 27th yahrzeit, * * 22 Tishrei, 5782 * ******************************************** ******************** * MOSHIACH MATTERS * ******************** "Sukkot is referred to as Chag HaAssif -- the harvest festival. This name also relates to the Jews' gathering together, filled with Ahavas Yisrael [love for one's fellow Jew]. Such gatherings precipitate the ultimate gathering of the Jewish people, which will take place at the time of the Redemption. For when division and strife, the cause of the exile, are nullified, the exile itself, the effect, will be nullified." The Rebbe, Sukkot 5752/1992 *************************************** * In loving memory of * * HORAV CHAIM YEHUDA KALMAN * * Ben Horav Avrohom Yehoshua Marlow, * * head of the Bet-Din (Rabbinical * * Court) of Crown Heights, * * Passed away, on Friday Morning, * * 20 Sivan, 5760 (June 23, 2000) * *************************************** ********************************************************** * THE SHEMINI ATZERET - SIMCHAT TORAH CALENDAR 5782/2021 * ********************************************************** Jewish women and girls light Yom Tov and shabbat candles ******************************************************* * FOR LOCAL CANDLE LIGHTING TIMES: * * consult your local Rabbi, Chabad-Lubavitch Center. * * or: * * * * * * FOR A FREE CANDLE LIGHTING KIT: * * contact your local Chabad-Lubavitch Center. * * * * FOR A LISTING OF THE CENTERS IN YOUR AREA: * * * ******************************************************* >>>> Times Shown Are for Metro NY - NJ <<<< MONDAY, SEPT. 27, EREV SHEMINI ATZERET: * Hoshanah Rabbah - see above "Hoshanah Rabbah" * Light Yom Tov candles, [1] BY 6:26 p.m. Say blessings #1 & 2. * Hakafot - see above, "As the Circle Turns." TUESDAY, SEPT. 28, SHEMINI ATZERET: * Yizkor memorial prayers. * Light Yom Tov candles, [2] AFTER NIGHTFALL, AFTER 7:23 p.m. Say blessings #1 & 2. * Hakafot (Dancing with the Torah). WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 29, SIMCHAT TORAH: * Hakafot. * Yom Tov ends at NIGHTFALL, at 7:21 p.m. FRIDAY, OCT. 1, EREV SHABBAT PARSHAT BEREISHIS: * Light Shabbat Candles, [3] BY 6:20 p.m. Say blessing #3. SATURDAY, OCT. 2, SHABBAT PARSHAT BEREISHIS: * Blessing of the New Hebrew Month, Cheshvan. [4] * Shabbat ends at NIGHTFALL, at 7:16 p.m. _______________ 1. If lighting *AFTER* sunset, light only from a preexisting flame. A preexisting flame is a flame burning continuously since the onset of Yom Tov, such as a pilot light, gas or candle flame. 2. Do not light *BEFORE* the times indicated. Light only from a preexisting flame. 3. The Shabbat candles must be lit 18 minutes *BEFORE* sunset. IT IS PROHIBITED AND IS A DESECRATION OF THE SHABBAT TO LIGHT THE CANDLES *AFTER* SUNSET. 4. Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan is on Wednesday, Oct. 6, and Thursday, Oct. 7. ********************************* * CANDLE AND FESTIVAL BLESSINGS * ********************************* After lighting the candles, recite: #1. BO-RUCH A-TOH ADO-NOI E-LO-HEI-NU ME-LECH HO-OLOM A-SHER KI-DE-SHO-NU BE-MITZ-VO-SOV VE-TZI-VO-NU LE-HAD-LIK NER SHEL YOM TOV. Translation: Blessed are you, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to kindle the Yom Tov light. #2. BO-RUCH A-TOH ADOI-NOI E-LOI-HEI-NU ME-LECH HO-OILOM SHE-HE-CHE-YO-NU VE-KI-YE-MO-NU VE-HIGI-O-NU LIZ-MAN HA-ZEH. Translation: Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, Who has granted us life, sustained us and enabled us to reach this occasion. #3. BO-RUCH A-TOH ADO-NOI E-LO-HEI-NU ME-LECH HO-OLOM A-SHER KI-DE-SHO-NU BE-MITZ-VO-SOV VE-TZI-VO-NU LE-HAD-LIK NER SHEL SHA-BOS KO-DESH. Translation: Blessed are you, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to kindle the light of the holy Shabbat. ******************* * HOLIDAY RECIPES * ******************* Fancy Kreplach / Honey Cake / Traditional Challah Fancy Kreplach Kreplach , a chopped meat or chicken mixture encased in dough, and then cooked or fried, is traditionally served the afternoon before Yom Kippur, on Hoshanah Rabbah and at the Purim feast. DOUGH: 2 cups flour 1/3 tsp. salt 3 tbsps. oil 2 egg yolks 1/2 cup water 1-1/2 tsps. baking powder or baking soda FILLING: 1 onion, diced 2 tbsps. oil 1 cup ground cooked meat or chicken 1 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. pepper 1 tbsp. matzoh meal 1 egg DOUGH: Combine flour, salt and oil. In a separate bowl, beat egg yolks, water and baking powder (or soda). Add to flour mixture. Knead and roll out, thinly, on floured surface. Cut into 3-inch squares or circles. FILLING: Saute onion in oil. Add chopped meat and brown for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and cool. Add salt, pepper, egg and matzoh meal and mix well. Fill center of each square or circle with meat mixture. Fold into triangles, or bring both sides and bottom together towards center, pinching together, and thus forming a triangle. Place in lightly salted boiling water for approximately 20 minutes until kreplach float to top. When ready, remove from pot and serve in soup. Can also be served as side dish. For firmer kreplach, fry in heated oil in skillet over medium flame until golden brown on both sides. Honey Cake Traditionally served on Rosh HaShanah and Erev Yom Kippur, symbolic of our wishes for a sweet year. 3 eggs 1 pound honey (1-1/3 cups) 1-1/3 cups sugar 1 cup strong coffee 2 tsps. baking powder 3 tbsps. margarine 1 tsp. baking soda 4 cups flour 1 tsp. cinnamon Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Grease and flour a 9" x 13" pan. Beat eggs and honey together. Add sugar and mix again. Mix coffee with baking powder, and then add with margarine to the egg mixture. Add baking soda, flour, cinnamon and beat together well. Bake in greased 9" x 13" pan at 325 degrees for 55 minutes to an hour. Traditional Challah For an unusually smooth taste and texture to enhance your Shabbat and High Holiday / Festival meals. 5 pounds flour 2 ounces fresh yeast & 1 package dry yeast 2 cups warm water 1-1/2 sticks margarine 2-1/3 cups boiling water 2 tbsps. salt 1-1/2 cups sugar 5 eggs GLAZE: 1 egg, beaten Poppy seeds Dissolve yeast in 2 cups warm water, in a small bowl, until it bubbles. In a large bowl, place margarine and pour boiling water over it and stir until margarine is melted. Add salt and sugar. Let cool for a few minutes and beat in eggs. Add the bubbling yeast. Gradually add flour. Knead for 10 minutes. If dough is too moist add a little more flour. When ready to rise, smear top of dough with oil, cover and let rise 1 hour. When the dough has risen, while still covered, separate -- tear off -- a small portion of dough known as 'challah' from the whole dough. Make the blessing: BO-RUCH A-TOH ADO-NOI E-LO-HEI-NU ME-LECH HO-OLOM A-SHER KI-DE-SHO-NU BE-MITZ-VO-SOV VE-TZI-VO-NU LE-HAF-RISH CHA-LOH. TRANSLATION: Blessed are you, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to separate challah. This piece of dough is put in the oven to bake away until it is inedible. Shape and let rise another hour. Brush with beaten egg to glaze. Sprinkle with poppy seeds. Bake at 350 degrees, 1 hour for large challahs, 1/2 hour for smaller challahs and rolls. ******************** * IT HAPPENED ONCE * ******************** The day before Yom Kippur the air in the city of Lubavitch was already permeated with the holiness of the day. Reb Shmuel, a respected scholar and chasid, sat in a corner of the shul swaying in prayer when the door swung open and a peddler entered the room. He threw himself down on a bench and tossed his pack on the floor. Reb Shmuel inquired, "How are you, brother?" "Oy," sighed the man. "The exile is dark and terrible. Just today I was walking past the mansion of Squire Lobomirsky. Everyone knows his evil reputation. Whenever I pass that place, I walk as fast as I can to get away from it. Suddenly, someone cried out, 'Hey, Jew!' My blood ran cold. Thank G-d, it was only the squire's servant, who wanted to buy a scarf from me. He told me about a Jewish family imprisoned in the squire's dungeon. They owe him rent, and if they don't pay by tomorrow, they'll all be killed. If only I had that money...what a terrible and dark exile." By the time the man had finished his tale, Reb Shmuel had left the shul; soon he was knocking at the gates of the squire's mansion. "I must speak with His Excellency," he said to the guard. He was allowed to enter and he proceeded to the room where Lobomirsky sat. When the squire saw the Jew, he was infuriated: "How dare you enter my house! What do you want, Jew?" "I want to know what is the debt of that poor, unfortunate family you have imprisoned." The ruthless landowner's eyes lit up with the thought of lining his pockets with the money. "Let me think about it," he smiled slyly and began to calculate: "Well, there's the debt, then there's all the money I put out to feed the whole brood, then there's the penalty payment; there's also the money required to cancel their hanging -- it would have provided good entertainment." At the end of his "calculations," Reb Shmuel was faced with an exorbitant sum. "Somehow G-d will help me raise that sum," Shmuel replied to the smirking Lobomirsky. It was getting late. Reb Shmuel went from door to door, telling everyone about the plight of the imprisoned family, and although they were as generous as possible, they themselves were poor. When he had finished his rounds, Reb Shmuel had a pitifully small sum in his hands. "This will never do," he thought to himself. "I must do something else, and fast." He was walking aimlessly, thinking of his next move, when he looked up and found himself in front of a tavern. The sound of loud, drunken voices emerged from within, and Shmuel was seized with the thought that just perhaps his money was waiting for him inside, if only he could figure out how to get it. As soon as he entered, he was sickened by the smell of liquor and stale smoke. A group of card players looked up, surprised to see a chasidic Jew in their midst. "What do you want, Jew?" "I am here on a mission of mercy. The lives of an entire family hang in the balance. I must raise a large sum of money." One of the players replied, "Well, if you can down this beaker of vodka, I just might give you this money," and he pointed to a towering stack of gold coins. Reb Shmuel was never much of a drinker, but what choice did he have? He downed the vodka, and true to his word, the card player handed over the money. In quick succession, the other players offered their winnings if he would drink two more huge cups of vodka. Reb Shmuel's eyes were beginning to cross, but the glimmering piles of coins steadied his resolve. An hour after he had entered the tavern, he staggered out with his pockets bulging and stumbled in the direction of the squire's mansion. The squire couldn't believe his eyes, but he greedily accepted the gold and released the grateful family who had barely escaped death. Reb Shmuel could barely put one foot in front of the other; his eyes no longer focused, but, he still remembered the holy day. He managed to get to the shul, where he promptly collapsed in a heap. The worshippers were dressed in their white robes, looking so much like the ministering angels. They were startled to see Reb Shmuel snoring away, dressed in his weekday clothes that showed evidence of his tavern experience. "What could have come over him?" they wondered. Reb Shmuel lay asleep throughout the evening of prayers that marked the beginning of the holiest day. His snoring provided a constant accompaniment to the heartfelt prayers rising from the congregation. The prayers ended, Psalms were recited, and the shul emptied out. Reb Shmuel slept on. At the first morning light, the worshippers returned to the shul for the long day of prayers. Reb Shmuel was beginning to stir. They watched curiously as he opened his bleary eyes and stood up. Walking straight to the bimah, Reb Shmuel banged on the wood with his fist, and in a booming voice, exclaimed: "Know that G-d, He is the L-rd; there is none other than Him." The congregation fell into confusion. What was Reb Shmuel doing reciting the words of the Simchat Torah prayers?! Why, didn't he realize that today was Yom Kippur? Suddenly the rabbi rose and turned toward the congregation: "Leave Reb Shmuel alone. He has far outpaced us. With the great deed he has done, his atonement is complete, and he is waiting for us at Simchat Torah!" ************************************** * TIME FOR UNITY; TIME FOR STRENGTH! * ************************************** The most important principle in the Torah is the protection of Jewish life. It's more important than Shabbat, more important than holidays, even fasting on Yom Kippur. Right now, in Israel, and everywhere, Jews must stand together in unity and do whatever possible to protect Jewish life. The Rebbe teaches that there are TEN important MITZVOT we can do to protect life. See what you can do: 1) AHAVAT YISROEL: Behave with love towards another Jew. 2) LEARN TORAH: Join a Torah class. 3) Make sure that Jewish children get a TORAH TRUE EDUCATION. 4) Affix kosher MEZUZOT on all doorways of the house. 5) For men and boys over 13: Put on TEFILLIN every weekday. 6) Give CHARITY. 7) Buy JEWISH HOLY BOOKS and learn them. 8) LIGHT SHABBAT & YOM TOV candles. A Mitzvah for women and girls. 9) Eat and drink only KOSHER FOOD. 10) Observe the laws of JEWISH FAMILY PURITY. In addition the Rebbe urges that: Every Jewish man, woman and child should have a letter written for them in a SEFER TORAH.* Every person should study either the Rambam's Yad Hachazakah -- Code of Jewish Law -- or the Sefer HaMitzvos. Concerning Moshiach, the Rebbe stated, "The time for our redemption has arrived!" Everyone should prepare themselves for Moshiach's coming by doing random acts of goodness and kindness, and by studying about what the future redemption will be like. May we merit to see the fulfillment of the Rebbe's prophecy now! _______________ *. There are several Torah scrolls being written to unite Jewish people and protect Jewish life. Letters for children can be purchased for only $1. Send your Hebrew name and your mother's Hebrew name plus $1 to: "Children's Sefer Torah," P.O. Box 8, Kfar Chabad, 6084000, Israel, or via the Internet, at: ******************** * A CALL TO ACTION * ******************** The Rebbe's slogan is: "The main thing is the deed." We therefore present from the Rebbe's talks, suggestions of what we can do to complete his work of bringing the Redemption. Preparations for the High Holidays: "Our Sages state that thirty days before a holiday, we should learn the laws pertaining to it. It is already less then thirty days before the holidays of Tishrei begin and in this context, it is necessary to mention the importance of providing Jews with their holiday needs so that they will be able to celebrate Rosh HaShanah and the holidays that follow in the manner stated in the Bible, 'Eat sumptuous foods and drink sweet beverages and send portions to those who do not have them prepared.'" The Rebbe, Elul, 5750/1990 ********************************************* * May the Shabbat candles, of the millions * * of Jewish women and girls around the * * world, illuminate our way, until we very * * soon see the fulfillment of G-d's promise * * (as it is written in the Midrash * * (Yalkut Shimoni, Beha'alotecha)): * * "If you will observe the kindling of the * * Shabbat lights, you will merit to see * * the lights of the redemption of the * * Jewish people," speedily in our days, * * NOW! * ********************************************* *************************************** * "LET THERE BE LIGHT" * * - The Jewish Women's Guide * * to Lighting Shabbat Candles * * * *************************************** *********************************** * LAWS OF SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING * * FOR THE BLIND * *********************************** Edited by Rabbi Y. K. Marlow O.B.M.* * A blind woman who lives alone should light her Shabbat candle(s) with a blessing. * If she is married to a non-visually impaired person, HER HUSBAND SHOULD LIGHT THE SHABBAT CANDLES WITH THE BLESSING. * If she is eating and lighting in the company of others who are non-visually impaired, and they lit the Shabbat candles, she should light her own Shabbat candle(s), BUT WITHOUT SAYING THE BLESSING. * (If at all possible, she should not be the last one to light the Shabbat candle(s), so that she can be absolved by the latter's blessing.) _______________ *. Head of Bet-Din (Rabbinical Court) of Crown Heights. ************************************ * SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING BLESSING * ************************************ * First light the candles. Then spread your hands out around the candles, drawing your hands inward in a circular motion three times to indicate the acceptance of the sanctity of Shabbat. You then cover your eyes and recite the following blessing: BO-RUCH A-TOH ADO-NOI E-LO-HEI-NU ME-LECH HO-OLOM A-SHER KI-DE-SHO-NU BE-MITZ-VO-SOV VE-TZI-VO-NU LE-HAD-LIK NER SHEL SHA-BOS KO-DESH. Translation: Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to kindle the light of the holy Shabbat. * Uncover your eyes and behold the Shabbat lights. * The time of lighting is considered especially propitious for praying to G-d for health and happiness. The prayer is readily acceptable because it is offered during the performance of this great mitzvah of lighting Shabbat candles. CAUTION: The candles must be lit 18 minutes *BEFORE* sunset. IT IS PROHIBITED AND IS A DESECRATION OF THE SHABBAT TO LIGHT THE CANDLES *AFTER* SUNSET. ******************************************* * MOSHIACH INFORMATION HOTLINES * * * ******************************************* ****************************************** * MOSHIACH IN THE AIR - ELECTRONIC MEDIA * * * ****************************************** ******************************** * LIVING WITH MOSHIACH * * Weekly Digest About Moshiach * ******************************** Annual subscription (for the 18-point, large type edition) $18.00. For a one-year subscription, make your check payable to: "Enlightenment For The Blind" and mail it to: 602 N. Orange Drive. Los Angeles, CA 90036 USA Name:__________________________________ Address:_______________________________ City:__________________________________ State:___________ Zip:_________________ Telephone: ( )____________________ Due to the generosity of our donors, we offer free subscriptions to all blind and handicapped people, public service libraries and non-profit organizations. **************************************************** * TO RECEIVE THIS PUBLICATION VIA INTERNET: * * E-Mail: * * or: * * * **************************************************** ===================================================== = End of Text: = = Living With Moshiach, Erev Shemini Atzeret , 5782 = =====================================================