(HaMa'ase Hu Hoiker)
Hei Tevet
Published by:
"Igud Talmidai Hayashivos," "Beis Moshiach" 770
1) These days are remembered and recur each year. Indeed, by their being "remembered" the very same events that occurred the first time "recur," to be established as a yom segula and an auspicious time in everything connected with the victory of the sefarim.
(VaYigash 5748)
2) From now on there must be a strengthening and addition in Torah study, with added strength and this is the touchstone for the true victory of the sefarim, "didan" - of the sefarim - "natzach."
3) Simply put, it is necessary to add in setting regular times for Torah, including and especially, learning with others, "ten who sit and are involved in Torah," with "dibuk chaveirim" and "pilpul ha'talmidim" [bonding with colleagues and give-and-take with students].
4) Beginning with [the study of Mishnayos, and learning the sefarim that were redeemed] study that leads to action, learning halachos in the Seifer HaRambam, in Shulchan Aruch and the commentaries, etc., and pnimiyus HaTorah, Toras HaChassidus - for by doing so one can fulfill those mitzvos which are a constant obligation, belief in Hashem, His oneness, love and fear of Him, etc.
5) Furthermore, and this is also crucial, the learning itself should permeates one's entire being, "all my bones will say," "set in all 248 limbs," from the brain in the head until the heel of the foot, with all the chayus and enthusiasm, etc.
6) Along the same lines, inspiring many Jews to add in Torah study, based on the commandment of "love your fellow like yourself," which is a "great principle in Torah." In fact, "this is the entire Torah altogether, and the rest is commentary."
7) There should be basic Jewish works (in addition to a Chumash, Siddur, Tehillim, and in a Chassidic home - a Tanya, etc.) in every home (and in the kitchen) including and especially books on halacha on topics that pertain to daily living, which should be studied at regular intervals in order to know what to do.
8) Also with regard to a bride and groom who prepare to build a Jewish home. Along with the effort to prepare household items, "a bed, chair, a table and a lamp," one should try (on the contrary, it should take priority) to see to it that the house has sifrei kodesh (holy books), which should be studied, etc., until it becomes a "house full of books."
9) Every boy and girl (including little ones who have just reached the age of understanding, from when the baby begins to talk, etc.) should have their own sefarim, such as: a Siddur, Chumash, Tehillim, [a little Tanya]. These books should belong to them and be their responsibility, and these should be kept in their room.
10) Certainly they will explain to the children not to worry about using the sefarim for fear of ruining them or tearing them, since they promise to buy new and nicer sefarim.
11) The Rebbe MH"M gave a dollar to indicate his participation in the purchasing of new sefarim, or fixing old sefarim, or to give to another Jew so that he could buy or fix sefarim, including books on pnimiyus HaTorah (Chassidus), as has been customary of late that people should buy sefarim on pnimiyus HaTorah, written or printed.
(motzo'ei 5 Teves 5749)
12) It is important to speak to the booksellers and publishers to announce a special sale on sefarim in all areas of Torah, for the purpose of making it easier to buy sefarim and to encourage the purchase of sefarim, and then - studying the sefarim.
(VaYigash 5748)
13) Each and every person - men, women, and children - can hasten the redemption and return of the sefarim and manuscripts (which are held captive in that country, i.e. the former USSR) by doing something similar [to redeeming the captives], i.e. bringing Torah books into his home and library [or buying them], in addition to what they had before.
(VaYigash 5752)
14) Whoever does this with alacrity is praiseworthy. They should already begin making resolutions about it now, and fulfill them as soon as possible.
15) This includes ordering them in advance (and paying for them) by subscribing for new sefarim that will later be published (indeed, in some sefarim the names of prepaid subscribers are printed), so that when the books become available the subscriber receives them immediately.
16) In addition to everybody adding to their library, this should also be publicized to others, and the importance of the matter should be explained.
17) There is a Jewish custom to give a set of Shas to a groom as a present and the bride receives a Siddur Karban Mincha (nowadays, they should be given books on halacha concerning matters pertaining to running the home, "in a clear and concise manner" in Hebrew, or translated into the language of the land). And the more the better.
(VaYigash 5748)
18) It is good and proper to utilize the Jewish custom of giving books as gifts to others, including little children, on the occasion of a simcha of theirs or before a holiday, etc.
(VaYigash 5752)
19) Wherever they established and will establish public houses of Torah, tefilla, and tzedaka - a Chabad house or the like - in addition to the sefarim one must have, such as Siddurim, Chumashim, Tehillim, etc., they should try to establish a Torah library including sefarim on all Torah subjects, or to expand an existing library for the benefit of the public.
(VaYigash 5748)
20) Rabbanim, authors, and publishers are asked to kindly send a copy of their works to the library of Agudas Chassidei Chabad, as a gift in order that the library grows and expands.
21) Book collectors who have special books, rare editions, etc., as inheritances from relatives, etc. (who don't need them for study purposes), are asked to donate them to the large library of Agudas Chassidei Chabad Lubavitch, for the public benefit.
22) This pertains to sefarim on all Torah subjects, also to periodicals that deal with other subjects, etc., and furthermore, even sefarim that oppose Torah, for sometimes there is also a need to look at them for the sake of "know how to respond to a heretic."
23) Thanks - the thanks of the general public - is given in advance so that contributors should not wait for a letter of approval and thanks for their having sent sefarim, since time does not allow to respond to each and every person.
24) In order to do away with the fear of sefarim becoming ruined from use, the solution is to have double copies of sefarim so the beauty of the books is preserved.
(Mikeitz, Zos Chanuka 5750)
25) One should try very much to edit [the sefarim in his home] from any clear-cut errors, so that they will not be considered "a seifer that was not edited," of which our Sages said "you should not [allow to] dwell in your tents, etc."
(Haazinu, Shabbos Shuva 5750)
26) Fortunate is the lot and great is the merit of all those people and their descendents who were involved and continue to be involved in printing sefarim [Maamarei Chassidus] through their financial aid or actual physical involvement or the like.
(Korach 5751)
It says in the Zohar that "and Yehuda approached him" is the idea of connecting Geula to tefilla. The main reason for connecting Geula to tefilla is so that his tefilla will be accepted, as it is explained in the Yerushalmi.
So too in our situation, Hei Teves is a day connected with the idea of Geula - the redemption of the sefarim of the Rebbeim. And right after, and in connection with the "Geula," we have "tefilla" and requests, etc., for the sefarim that still await their redemption. And most importantly, the prayer for the general redemption, with the true and complete Redemption.
Through the tefilla coming in connection with geula, the redemption that took place on this day, Hei Teves, this leads to Hashem accepting the tefillos of Bnei Yisroel, and He will immediately release all the sefarim, and redeem the Jewish people with the true and complete Redemption.
(VaYigash, Hei Teves 5752)
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