(HaMa'ase Hu Hoiker)
Directives of the Rebbe MH"M
The 28th of Sivan
Published by:
"Igud Talmidai Hayashivos," "Beis Moshiach" 770
1) This day is one of farbrengens and making good resolutions in all
activities concerning the dissemination of Torah, Judaism, and Chassidus.
The results of these farbrengens have already been seen in very real
terms for over three years, thereby establishing a chazaka.
(Shelach 5749)
2) This will certainly be the case from now on, and in other places too,
whether because of a chazaka or because of the idea of one
mitzva leading to another.
3) Strengthen and increase the fulfillment of the shlichus that the
Rebbe Rayatz gave every individual of our generation: to be involved in the
dissemination of Torah, Judaism, and Chassidus, with a total involvement,
even beyond one's strength.
1. The 28th of Sivan (this year, 5767, on Thursday, June 14), is the 66th
anniversary of the arrival in the United States of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin
Chaya Mushka.
The Rebbe and the Rebbetzin were in France during the early years of World
War II. In 5701/1941, after tremendous effort on the part of the Previous
Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn--who was already in the United
States--the Rebbe and the Rebbetzin were able to travel to Portugal, from
where they boarded a ship to the United States.
The trip itself was quite dangerous, with the ship being stopped numerous
times en route by the Nazis.
On the 28th of Sivan 5701 (June 23, 1941), the Rebbe and the Rebbetzin arrived
in New York. Ed.
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